A Baker’s Dozen of Truisms

As I was reading the Sunday morning paper, I was reminded of a few truisms that seem to permeate today’s world. Yet, many are as old as time and have been refined for today’s world. Let me mention a baker’s dozen of these truisms and invite you to add some to the mix.

  1. Any horse’s ass can get elected saying they will reduce taxes. The problem is we have a whole stable of them. At some point in time, someone has to step up and pay for something.
  2. The “Haves” will always take advantage of the “Have-nots.” They always have and always will. This is the best commercial against Libertarianism I can think of. A role of government is to keep the playing field fair. Item #6 makes this hard.
  3. Have you noticed most elected officials leave office wealthier than they came in? Why is that?
  4. Just because you are a religious leader and pious, does not mean you cannot be full of shit. Most religious leaders deserve every bit of respect and admiration they get, but there are few who give the profession a black eye. The profession is bigger than the incumbent – when the incumbent dishonors the profession, then a change is needed.
  5. Have you ever noticed the biggest war mongers in a legislative body tend to be the people who never fought in one? Remember, former General Dwight Eisenhower said “beware of the military industrial complex.”
  6. With the cost of elections so expensive, we should not be surprised by the greater degree of influence the more signficant donors have. Lobbyists are not paid for their good looks and charm. They are paid to influence outcomes favorable to the donors.
  7. Why do reasonably smart male leaders think that no one will notice their infidelity? Everyone carries a camera in their i-phone and has access to the internet. Some even make it easier by sending their own pictures.
  8. Be wary of politicians who speak in absolutes. The only certainties in life are death and taxes – everything else is some shade of gray. Be willing to listen and compromise to get things done. Otherwise, you are just shouting at the wind.
  9. To me the worse form of bigotry is bigotry from the pulpit. As noted in #4 above, religious leaders are largely trusted advisors. When they misuse that power, it is worse than when someone else does it. Religion is at its finest when it is inclusive. It is at its worst when it is exclusive.
  10. People who are the least tolerant usually require more tolerance from others towards them. Ancillary to this is the person who shouts the loudest tends to have the worse argument.
  11. People need to walk in someone else’s shoes before they judge. Most people in poverty work their ass off, but minimum wage jobs perpetuate poverty. Poverty does not mean you are less virtuous. Poverty is the lack of money.
  12. It is true guns don’t kill people. It is people with access to guns who kill people. Petty arguments end in shooting deaths more than ever before. That is the tragedy we need to work on more.
  13. You don’t fully realize how much your parents love you until you have your first child. This may be the biggest wow factor of all.

Well, that is a quick run through my “Baker’s Dozen of Truisms” for today. If I did this next week, I may add and subtract a few. What are some of yours? Please feel free to chime in. I would love to hear from you. Thanks, BTG

23 thoughts on “A Baker’s Dozen of Truisms

  1. Great blog!! And regarding point #5 above, Eisenhower also said “God help this country when someone sits in this chair who doesn’t know the military as well as I do.” And that goes for all political “chairs,” especially the Chair of the House Armed Services Committee (“Buck” McKeon) who has no military experience whatever but is committed to “shielding America from further [military] reductions.” Coincidentally, Buck has a naval weapons station, an Army fort, an Air Force base, and a marine training base in his Congressional District!

    • Thanks Hugh. DDE keeps getting smarter as the years pass. It should not be overlooked that he was president during a very prosperous time and devoted a lot of money to infrastructure as well as the space program. His major weakness was in VP selection.

  2. #5 is my favorite. Just look at the GW Bush administration, and those armchair warriors, I call the chickenhawks, who themselves never served in the military, who never had family, sons or daughters in the military and at risk, yet were the loudest proponents of war. Bush, who skated through on his daddy’s influence, followed by Cheney, the biggest blowhard ever, and Rumsfield, who had the compassionate soul of a brick.

    Great post

    • Many thanks Amaya. I appreciate your comments. I was just on your blog looking to see if you had posted something new. Of course, your clever piece on the accidental shooting would no longer be headlined when opened. I hope you are well. BTG

      • I haven’t had the time to post anything lately, though I have a few unfinished drafts waiting for completion. My attention is too divided to string more than a few sentences together at a time these days. Took me all morning to read your post due to domestic chores and distractions. Thanks for remembering old Amaya!

      • With all you have going on, I am not surprised. I will look forward to one of those drafts once you finish. Best regards, BTG

  3. There was a recent story in the news that proves point number 4. Religious leaders are human and subject to all the same problems and issues that everyone else has.

    One thing I have noticed is from those who shout the loudest about their religious freedoms being taken away are the same ones that want everyone to worship and believe the same way they do. Can’t have it both ways. Freedom of religion is not only freedom to worship religion, it is the freedom to not worship religion. After all I can believe in God and be incredibly spiritual without going to a church or practicing any specific religion.

  4. In reply to this question: “Roseylinn, I am not following your reference. I have gone back and re-read the post. I feel I am missing a great line. Thanks, BTG”

    Barney in this comment “Barneysday on January 29, 2013” said in the last sentence: “Rumsfield, who had the compassionate soul of a brick.”

    So I said: “Couldn’t that be considered insulting to a brick?”

    🙂 Hope that helps clear it up.

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