The Queen of Hearts may be the best reference

Ever since the persona of Donald J. Trump purposefully became an icon, it has brought to mind various characters, even caricatures. Note, much of his persona is contrived as reporters would offer he is expert on selling himself. He wants to be seen as some blend of Hugh Hefner and Warren Buffett.

Yet, because of his mercurial, narcissistic bent, his caricatures are not often flattering. Once he chose to run for president and got elected, it became hard to hide unflattering references ranging from a spoiled toddler who does not get his way to the Wizard of Oz where he does not want you to look behind the curtain to a king like Henry VIII who wants to rule both church and state in an authoritarian manner.

The caricature I return to as the better exemplar of his behavior is from the cartoon version of Disney’s “Alice in Wonderland.” Close your eyes with me and picture Donald Trump as the Queen of Hearts. Put extra rouge on his cheeks, give him a wig, dress and crown and have him say the following words about his critics and perceived and actual enemies:


These are the words often spoken to and feared by the Queen’s audience. As I recall, the Queen would get red faced and look like she would explode, before yelling out to her latest foil “off with his (or her) head!”

Judges, juries, Democrats, RINOs, opponents (perceived and real) all are worthy for Queen Trump’s chopping block. His inane blathering of being “dictator for only one day” had the Queen’s crowd cheering for blood. I don’t know who I find more offensive, the inane blatherer or the ones cheering his every word.

Maybe it is the enablers and sycophants who bother me most, as they are the ones who let Queen Trump get away with his sins, crimes and lies. We need for others to call these sycophants on the carpet. We need others to prevent all of us from going down the rabbit hole. We may not be able to trump the Queen of Hearts by ourselves, but we can call out others to trump her/ him.

11 thoughts on “The Queen of Hearts may be the best reference

  1. Note to Readers: I would love to see Saturday Night Live do a skit on Donald Trump as the Queen of Hearts. They could bring in Melissa McCarthy or the like to play the part. It was noted it embarrassed Trump when McCarthy imitated Sean Spicer. So, if she imitated Trump, he might go ballistic.

  2. Note to Readers II: There is another pertinent piece of advice for people without a plan or flip flopping politicians courtesy of Alice’s Cheshire Cat. When Alice asks him which path she should take, the Cheshire Cat asks back where do you want to go? When she says “I don’t know,” the Cat answers “Then, it does not matter which way you go.”

  3. Note to Readers III: There is another metaphor that Mr. Trump would not care for, but seems apt. If you have ever had a little girl, you know she will sometimes try to take her dress off over her head without undoing the buttons. Often, she will get her head stuck and get very frustrated. Since Mr. Trump is often mad at something, he reminds me of a little girl with her dress stuck on her head. “Mom, we have a situation here.”

  4. A PERFECT analogy, my friend!!! Frighteningly, if he were to be re-elected in November, the plan is for him to have just about that level of power where he can yell, “Off with his/her head” and have people fired simply because they may have disagreed with him or somehow displeased him.

    • Jill, my wife jokingly said BEFORE reading this after watching “The Tudors” that Trump would bring back beheadings. She was only half joking. Keith

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