Republican Rep. Patrick McHenry heightens criticism of Speaker Mike Johnson

In a Politico article called “McHenry’s ‘extreme candor’ on Johnson splits GOP” by Eleanor Mueller, Zachary Warmbrodt and Jasper Goodman, Patrick McHenry heightened criticism of the Republican Speaker. A few paragraphs tell the story:

“Rep. Patrick McHenry is closing out two decades in Congress by returning to the bomb-throwing days of his youth. His new target is House Speaker Mike Johnson, and it’s starting to rattle fellow conservatives.

McHenry, the bow-tied North Carolina Republican who plans to retire at the end of this session, has been ratcheting up his criticism of Johnson in recent weeks over what he views as a serial mishandling of big issues before the House, including government funding, the border and Ukraine aid.

The underlying tension is that McHenry believes Johnson is holding back activity in the House because of fears that he’ll suffer the same fate as his predecessor, Kevin McCarthy. McHenry told reporters last month that under Johnson’s leadership ‘we’ve yet to actually fulfill and execute policy.’ He went further in a CBS News interview last week, warning of a “50-50” chance of a shutdown and calling it a “preventable disaster.”

One banking lobbyist granted anonymity to speak candidly said McHenry ‘speaks for what I would call the leadership class of the conference.’”

McHenry is one of the more rational Republicans which means he stands out from folks like the profane and inane acting Trump and his sycophants. I called him and spoke to a staffer complimenting him on his efforts. I did encourage him to speak out against Johnson’s acquiescence to Trump. I left a message with Rep. Tom Emmer, a GOP House leader complimenting McHenry, as well.

I encourage people to applaud the rational folks in Congress and their actions. They need to know they are appreciated.

4 thoughts on “Republican Rep. Patrick McHenry heightens criticism of Speaker Mike Johnson

  1. Keith, I cannot comment on this, too far away to know the detail. But I agree with you, rightly or wrongly I admire a person who speaks their mind.
    Politics world wide need more of this, those that toe the line ruin the country.

  2. Note to Readers: I saw where Senator Lisa Murkowski, a Republican from Alaska, has declared her support for Nikki Haley as the GOP presidential nominee. It is not the first time Murkowski has not supported the former president. And, like others she is vilified for daring to say the emperor has no clothes. That speaks volumes.

    • PS – Note Senator Susan Collins added her endorsement of Nikki Haley. Like Murkowski, Collins is one of the more rational and courageous Republicans.

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