Wisconsin Republicans and forever chemicals – a DuPont reminder

In follow-up to my previous post on Wisconsin Republicans trying to protect companies that poison people with PFAs, known as forever chemicals, here is a little more on the DuPont story captured in the movie “Dark Waters.” This shameful legislation should serve as representation of what the Republicans are all about. Protect the funder, screw everyone else. I use the DuPont example as I believe what they did warranted even more penalty than $300 million.

DuPont agreed to make settlement based on an exhaustive study of about 7,000 residents which clearly revealed DuPont caused the deaths and illnesses due to exposure to their PFAs runoff making Teflon. Then, they reneged once the finger clearly pointed at them. So, the attorney took them to court one case at a time, winning all four he tried with the last one penalizing DuPont $20 million. They then settled as they knew they could not win.

In their files, the attorney found a lot of evidence DuPont knew they were poisoning people, known even at the highest level. The attorney even found evidence they moved pregnant women off the Teflon line due to birth defects that occurred. And, yet they still told no one. People were harmed by DuPont’s secret cover-up.

These are the kinds of folks Wisconsin Republicans are trying to shelter from penalty. Sadly, this is a common story, but one less told as it takes a Herculean effort to hold them to account. The courageous attorneys usually lose their marriages, their health and sometimes go bankrupt as the polluters have deeper pockets.

As a former Republican, I have long said over half of Republican voters are voting against their economic interests and have no idea they are. This is just one more example.

7 thoughts on “Wisconsin Republicans and forever chemicals – a DuPont reminder

  1. Keith, this is a world issue, the bulk of the electorate only know or believe what the mass media tells them. Add to this, politicians of all persuasions manipulate the truth, face it, the end justifies the means and re-election is at stake.

      • Keith, I have to be very careful or I’ll end up pillorid, but the bulk of the people don’t really care.

        Labour, Liberal, Tory, Democrat, Republican or Conservative, the impact on the people is negligible.

        The rich get richer, the poor get poorer and politicians come and go.

        Life’s fun, if you don’t weaken.

  2. Note to Readers: Voters and non-voting citizens need to pay attention to state assembly efforts to weaken environmental laws. They are well funded Republican efforts to enable polluters’ efforts. God forbid we hold companies to account. Tobacco company CEOs lied for thirty years about the addictive nature of nicotine. They knew it was addictive but hid that from smokers. Pacific Gas and Electric allowed toxic chemicals to leech into the water system of a nearby neighborhood. A New England manufacturers hid the fact they buried barrels of toxic waste near water resources. Back in the late 1960s, Cleveland’s Cuyahoga River was so polluted it could catch fire.

    Not holding polluters to account allows them to more easily harm and kill your children. It matters not the political preference of the parents. So, people pay attention to who is screwing common folks over.

    • PS – I have left messages with the Republican Speaker of the House and Senate leader in Wisconsin sharing my repulsion at this proposed law. I also called the governor as well.

      • PSS – I have also left messages the Wisconsin governor and two US Senators and sent a letter to the Madison newspapers.

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