Nikki Haley disappointment

As an independent and former Republican of 25 plus years, it greatly disappoints me to see Nikki Haley say she will now vote for the former president. She ran for all the right reasons to keep this nominee from further damaging both the Republican Party and our country.

Joe Biden is not perfect, but he has done better than both Republicans and Progressives give him credit for. We must get to the bottom of all of the charges facing the former president, preferably before the election.

The former president has already been found liable for fraud three times and defamation twice in the last few years. He says he has done nothing wrong, but that is simply untrue.

28 thoughts on “Nikki Haley disappointment

  1. But Keith, he says it all with the name of his “Truth” Social posting. If we can’t believe everything we see written and called “truth” then what is left. And my tongue is embedded in cheek as I wrote that. Now to find a pain-free way to get it out before it is permanently embedded there.

    • Angie, calling his site that name is s right out of the narcissist playbook. It is akin to Melania say she was going to combat cyber bullying as her First Lady cause. Could you start with your bullying acting husband? Keith

      • She probably married him for his money, or what she perceived to be his money, so as long as she has that to spend she will take as much bullying as necessary. I also had a bullying husband worth over a million dollars, but ran from him as far as I could, given the MS. He is dead now, probably put that way by his second wife, but I shouldn’t say that since she refused to okay an autopsy. But megalomaniac people like the turnip need to be locked away where they can’t damage people who disagree with them. One of these days MAGA is going to wake up and taste what is put in their water or Kool Ade, and maybe they will all have an awakening of sorts. Who knows any more? Trump has all the earmarks of the antichrist, foretold in the Bible. The 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse ride among us now. God help us all!

      • Angie, I am so sorry you had to go through that. As for Melania, I find it interesting that she did not play the dutiful wife at the Hush Money trial. Trump said he did not have the two affairs. Really? Then why do so many people know he did?

        I was talking with another independent about Trump being increasingly more unhinged. The “reich” remark, the goofy contraceptive flip flip over a few hours and being an FBI target are each inane comments.


  2. Note to Readers: Seeing Nikki Haley do yet another u-turn with the former president reinforces a message that party matters more than country to her and the Republican Party. Scrolling back to the State of Union rebuttal of 2016, Nikki Haley spoke and was critical of Donald Trump. Later, she u-turned and became Ambassador to the UN. Now, after vilifying him yet again, she did another u-turn. My guess is Trump will pick her as his VP because he actually needs her, even though he said he would not do so.

      • Susan, it is a hard task. I do like former Maryland governor Larry Hogan and former Ohio governor John Kasich. In 2016, Kasich was clearly a better presidential candidate than anyone on the Republican debate stage including the guy who was fed the questions and won the nomination. Keith

  3. It’s should be a shock but it’s not. One must wonder what went on between she and the RNC. Is she just another coward or is she expecting something in return for her essential backing of a fascist whom she herself called out many times.

  4. We could theorise over Haley playing a ‘long game’ and calculating Trump might not have long on this Earth – physical or political and is positioning herself to get into leadership and then steer the Republicans back to sanity.
    We could.
    It’s a stretch.
    And would be a step too far. Short-term encouragement the forces that keep Trump up there, carries far too many dangers.

    There again she could have just given up, and is looking to cash-in.


    • Roger, my guess it is a step to get the VP nod as Trump needs her. You may be right that he may get convicted of things, blow a gasket and get removed from office or pass away as he carries a lot of weight for his size and eats so poorly. Her long game is likely to become the next candidate. Keith

      • I was very disappointed that she did this, but I think you’re correct. She’s hoping for the VP spot. I also think there were financial incentives.

      • I agree Keith. I think she may have her eye on the ‘Main Prize’ further down the road. Even if Trump does slither into the Whitehouse getting the presidency by default should he expire ‘in post’.

      • True. People talk about Biden’s age, but he is more coherent than Trump and is not overweight like Trump is. Keith

  5. It seems to me that although Haley is not “in step” with the Trump people, she understands that the Republican Party has to deal with the Fox watching, Evangelical based and QAnon fringed constituency they created. These people have become so fearful of “liberalism” they’ve become like the old “Better Dead than Red” crowd. Yes, the loyalty to Party is over loyalty to country. The programming has fashioned the non-existent platform so that Trump can flip-flip and way too many stay in line.

    I think the hope is that Trumpism (rather than platform or country) be the glue to keep the Party united (in some way) until it’s safe to come out again. Just my o –

  6. Hi Keith. I feel that a few others hinted at it here, but loyalty and supporting certain ideas is important to the future of a politician even after office, but in the Republican Party it has to be strict fealty to the party hierarchy and goal of complete take over. The reward is after office one gets on very well paying think tank boards, company boards, A consultant on one of the networks as a pundit, or other high paying positions that require no work but have large incomes. It is a bribery system. She was allowed to go after the god of the party as long as she stayed in bounds and looked to have a chance. Now she will bend the knee and get offered future spots in the party, either a position in tRump’s cabinet or a lucrative spot elsewhere. Notice Chris Christie did not get offered one of those after he publicly said he wouldn’t vote for tRump. Hugs. Scottie

  7. Note to Readers II: An excerpt from Nikki Haley’s 2016 Rebuttal to the State of the Union. Many thought this was a shot at candidate Donald Trump:

    “There’s an important lesson in this. In many parts of society today, whether in popular culture, academia, the media, or politics, there’s a tendency to falsely equate noise with results.

    “Some people think that you have to be the loudest voice in the room to make a difference. That is just not true. Often, the best thing we can do is turn down the volume. When the sound is quieter, you can actually hear what someone else is saying. And that can make a world of difference.”

    She was correct to say that then, and is still correct to say it now. Keith

  8. My stomach’s turning.. I did add a political line to my 3 girls in the bathroom post yesterday which i near never do but I couldn’t help myself. Figured you would be one that would appreciate it, Keith.. lol

    • Cindy, is this the line? Keith

      ”What ever comes your way today, take it in stride and remember you can always blame the cat, the dog or your kids!”

  9. Note to Readers III: A response to an email from a South Carolina resident about the above:

    “I am greatly disappointed in Nikki Haley’s decision as well. Additionally, I’m uncertain if I will ever vote for her in the future. This decision makes her seem very capricious to me.”

  10. I’m a Democrat and I just don’t trust any Republican friend or family member who hasn’t openly denounced Trump and/or publicly regretted ever voting for him. And now, whatever sliver of respect I may have had for Nikki Haley is gone.

    It’s wild that I actually like Liz Cheney now. I have never agreed with her on one single issue or policy. but at least she’s got a backbone.

    • Mary, well said. I now have the mindset, I know what is wrong with Trump, but what is wrong with you MAGA fan to support this person? I agree with your assessment of Liz Cheney. Thanks for commenting. Keith

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