Tick, tick, tick…debt piles on

Per The Washington Post, courtesy of the non-partisan Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget:

“As the national debt soars toward a new and worrisome record, neither President Biden nor former president Donald Trump is likely to bring the tide of red ink under control, experts say.

Trump is pledging to extend the enormous package of tax cuts adopted on his watch and has discussed further reducing taxes for corporations. Biden, meanwhile, also wants to extend the Trump tax cuts for families earning less than $400,000 a year, while calling for nearly $1 trillion in fresh spending over the next decade on social programs — though Biden vows to cover those costs by raising taxes on the rich.

Neither candidate has made debt reduction a priority while in the White House, according to research released Monday by the nonpartisan Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget. The debt grew by $8.4 trillion during Trump’s first term, while Biden so far has added $4.3 trillion, according to the group.”

Read the full piece on The Washington Post’s website.

Neither party has addressed the debt in a tangible fashion. And, while they yell the loudest, the Republicans are more hypocritical about it. What happened on Trump’s watch is not unusual and he is planning more of the same, which shows he does not have any interest in solving the problem.

And, if you tack on his failures to address climate change and environmental degradation, two of our country’s biggest problems are being left in our and our children’s laps. Biden and Democrats are far from perfect and need to do more, but at least they are trying. The clock is ticking.

11 thoughts on “Tick, tick, tick…debt piles on

  1. I think it is fair to say that Trump has no money savvy given his business history. The only pocket he cares about is his own.

  2. Note to Readers: I have long said, anyone can get elected promising a tax cut. But, to cut taxes now is malfeasance and unnecessary. I go back to Republican George W. Bush who was handed a surplus budget by Democrat Bill Clinton. Over the public objections of his Treasury Secretary, whom Bush fired, he made a tax cut to cause a new deficit.

  3. Keith, I admit to not fully understanding the world’s monetary system, they lost me when the gold system was discarded.

    The US dollar now seems the basis for the world’s monetary system, but what backs the dollar, I don’t know! Some claim there is no debt in real terms, America can print as much money as it wants,

    As I have stated before, this is reminiscent of the Swedish match situation of years gone by, when some one will ask, jst what is this paper worth?

    The answer will be, another piece of paper.

      • Keith, but that is the whole point, just what is the “have”?

        Every year it seem Congress increases the debt level, while at the same time is promising $millions in aid to many countries.

      • Jon, the big spends are defense, social security, gov’t health and interest costs. This is where we must cut to lessen the interest cost. Keith

      • Keith, “defense,social security and health” are not the issue, what backs up the dollar is. America is printing money, just what is behind the dollars they print?
        Why doe Congress keep increasing the debt level?
        China I am lead to believe has $billions invested in American bonds, if correct? What happens when they pull the plug?

      • Jon, the specific reason is the debt climbs beyond what we would call the credit card limit. Absent the increase, we would default on debt. We need to address the debt long before the debt ceiling is reached. But, politicians are too scared to put themselves on the line.

        Just taking Social Security by itself, armed with information, I have seen round table discussions at Rotary clubs solve the problem in 45 minutes.


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