Women and forever chemicals

Last week, I wrote about proposed legislation by Republican legislators in Wisconsin to limit help to cleaning up PFAS* forever chemicals provided polluters are not held responsible. I wrote that I found this offensive. Per the following article in The Guardian called “Women exposed to ‘forever chemicals’ may risk shorter breastfeeding duration,” it reveals a data verified problem. The subheading paints a more vivid example: “Higher PFAS exposure could cause lactation to slow or stop altogether within six months, new research finds.”

Per the article, “Women exposed to toxic PFAS ‘forever chemicals’ prior to pregnancy face an elevated risk of being unable to breastfeed early, new research finds.

The study tracked lactation durations for over 800 new moms in New Hampshire and found higher PFAS exposure could cause lactation to slow or stop altogether within six months. The findings are ‘cause for concern’ said Megan Romano, an epidemiologist at Dartmouth University and lead author.”

We must educate people about the risks of PFAS. We musy hold companies accountable, especially when they hide exposure from the public. We citizens, employees and customers are owed the truth.

* Note: What are PFAS used for? Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances or PFASare a group of chemicals that have been used in manufacturing and added to consumer products since the 1950s. They allow grease and dirt to slide off carpets and textiles, protect industrial equipment from heat damage and corrosion, and help to smooth and condition the skin. They are also used in jet engines, medical devices, refrigeration systems, the construction industry and electrical devices.

11 thoughts on “Women and forever chemicals

  1. Note to Readers: Per the movie “Dark Waters,” Dupont moved pregnant women off their Teflon line after children were born with birth defects. They did not tell them why. This is one example of DuPont knowing the danger but remaining silent.

  2. I agree there appears to be a correlation between these chemicals and not only the health of women and children, but men also. However every ‘study’ I’ve read has more assumptions than solid research. I’m a firm believer of where there is smoke there is fire. But to get firm policies in place, we need solid scientific evidence.

    • Joni, I understand your point, but on this issue, DuPont agreed to be a part of a study that if it proved their Teflon factory was culpable, they would make restitution. To their surprise, the study got 7,000 participants and over a several year study, it proved that there was a causal relationship between Dupont’s actions and health issues like cancers.

      Then, DuPont reneged on their offer of restitution. They were sued one case at a time and lost four successive cases. They then settled in a class action.


  3. Is there any chemical substance we can trust? On the other hand, do we have an idea how much dangerous substances we have already absorbed over decades while the producers knew about the risk…

    • Erika, very fair question. Here in the states, the industry is too powerful to let the US comply with The Precautionary Principle. This principle says if an entity is aware of a danger, they must prove beforehand that they have taken precautions.

      As for your question, asbestos was heavily used in building until they realized it caused cancers. Arsenic was used in treated deck and playground until they realized kids touched it and put their hands in their mouth. More recently, flame retardant fabrics proved to only stave off flames about ten seconds and caused breast cancer in women and other cancers in male firefighters.

      Finally, Lumber Liquidators had health issues with their flooring made in China.


      • Keith, the simple fact is humanity is degrading our world. Land, sea and air are all being contaminated by us and this contamination is increasing in line with GROWTH.

        Neither Trump or Biden will do anything about it, both are beholden to BIG BUSINESS and the almighty dollar.

        Until such time as the people take this issue seriously and put continues pressure on their elected representative nothing will change. Sadly I don’t see that taking place in the near future.

        To coin an Australian phrase, “Don’t you worry about that mate, she’ll be right”.

      • Every time, it is unbelievable to recognize how ignorant companies deal with the health of the people only to make their money. it is terrible to see it here too how much power money has over the conscience.

      • Erika, money trumps morals. Sadly. Polluters, fraudsters and cheaters must be shown the monetary damage for their sins and crimes are too punitive to continue. There is a very good agency in the US called the Consumer Financial Protection Agency that has successfully fined banks and credit card companies for aggressive and fraudulent marketing. Over 95% of the fines are returned to screwed over customers. This is what the EPA needs to do more of. Keith

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