We are lied to by too many who are sowing seeds of doubt

Too many of our troubles seem to have a common factor. Elected officials and business leaders are not being totally truthful to us citizens, consumers and employees. It is hard enough to solve our problems when armed with facts, but nigh impossible when they are distorted or withheld.

I recall back in the 1990s a panel of tobacco industry CEOs testifying to a Congressional Committee under oath. In succession, each CEO lied that nicotine was not addictive. That was before a whistle-blower provided evidence that they knew nicotine was addictive for about thirty years. The industry was made to pay a massive fine for their subterfuge.

For years, the US military refused to effectively evaluate the link between the brownish and awful smelling water at Camp Lejeune and numerous cancers and illnesses of Marines and their families. Too many were needlessly harmed until they were made by two North Carolina Senators to investigate. Now monetary and health support are available.

The 2005 Energy Act was written by a former fracking CEO who was Vice President at the time, Dick Cheney. He slipped in two key protections for the industry. Fracking would not be subject to the Safe Drinking Water Act or the Clean Air Act.  Fracking takes a huge amount of water that cannot be reused as the water is laced with chemicals to make fracking easier. Further, natural gas caps leak methane and sometimes natural gas is vented on purpose. Americans are owed the truth about the negatives of fracking.

In early 2018, a Tax law was passed sold as a tax cut for all, but the primary beneficiaries were corporations and the wealthy. It was also sold that it would pay for itself with increased revenue. These assertions are never true and the estimated increase on the debt of $1.6 trillion was waved off. That estimate came from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office. First the legislators believe their own lies, then sell them to us. The Tax law gave our pretty good economy a sugar rush for a several months before waning back to previous levels. It never came close to paying for itself as the debt climbed even more.

Finally, the 2020 election was sold by the former president as fraudulent. Yet, the head of election security Chris Krebs said it was the most secure election in our history leaving auditable trails. That was before he was fired by the former president. The latter had more than ample opportunity to prove his claims failing miserably losing every recount, review and audit and all but one court case out of about 65. Yet, he continues to perpepuate his bogus election fraud claims along with too many sycophantic members of Congress and notable state legislature and governor houses. Sadly, seeds of doubt are sown in the process with purpose, yet it is much more believable that a proven liar has lied to people and been supported by others.

Sowing seeds of doubt. Right now, we should dig deeper using multiple sources. We should ignore facts offered by all politicians especially those known for lying like the former president. He has further tainted the veracity of everyone.

10 thoughts on “We are lied to by too many who are sowing seeds of doubt

  1. To get into, office, the politicians will, lie to the, constituents, BRAINWASHING the voters, into, believing in their, LIES, and, because the voters are, unable to tell what’s right, what’s sound, as these, politicians, always know how to, incite anger in the, masses(like Trump???), and, despite how corrupt the system is, the voters are, still, voting, based off of their own, party, preferences, and, in the, bipartisan system we either choose A or B, when A couldn’t, live up to our expectations, we vote B the next time, and when B also, failed to, live up yo our, expectations, then, we vote A again, and it’s still this, vicious cycle that keeps on, going around, around, and, around. In the end, nothing changes, so, the voting system IS, flawed, and, nothing can be done, because, we are all, too, used to it.

    • Taurusingemini, we so desperately need a party inbetween the two mainstream ones. Either that or we need to allow independents to get on the ballot in all states. Shorter elections, restricted money, term limits and civics entry tests would help.

      The dilemma is the two parties won’t support that unless forced to. Also, TV and radio get a lot of ad revenue from commercials that few watch. I do admire the election period in Great Britain being so targeted.


  2. Keith, just when have politicians or business leaders told the public the truth?

    Both groups, supported by a sycophantic media have done all they can to keep the electorate in the dark.

    But, in fairness, I’d ask just what has the electorate done to ascertain the truth on any given subject?

    Keith, the fact is the people get what they deserve, don’t blame government, try looking in the mirror.

    • Jon, some politicians start out with a nobler purpose until the system taints them. There are politicians who are more truthful than others, but they do not get the press. The loudest ones with the loudest issues get the press and that is by design.

      We are too blame, but it is harder to ferret out the liars. Or cognitive dissonance causes people to ignore the obvious or look for avenues to assuage the disharmony caused by facts. There is a reason PR people get paid so much.


  3. Note to Readers: Exxon Mobil, Enron, Arthur Andersen, Toyota, Volkswagen, the Catholic Church, the Southern Baptist Convention, Fox News, DuPont, Pacific Gas and Electric, Wells Fargo, Wachovia/ First Union, Boy Scouts of America, Bank of America are just a few organizations that have been caught lying to the public.

    Many of these brand names have paid heavy fines, a couple no longer exist or are a shell of themselves, and some have damaged their reputation long term. Often, these organizations tried to protect their brands by doing the exact wrong thing. Some took calculated risks their lying would not be discovered. The Catholic Church hiding their pedophile priest problem is a great example.

    On the flip side, there are organizations who addressed their problems head on, such as Johnson & Johnson with the Tylenol bottle tampering issue.

    Elected officials are no better and can be worse. So, are appointed ones. The lessons that go unlearned by too many are if a governing body does not address the festering sore, it can cause gangrene on the entire body. Names like Clarence Thomas, Donald Trump, Bob Menendez, Marjorie Taylor Greene, et al must be addressed by governing entities. George Santos was kicked out of Congress, but it took too long to do it.

    Truth be told, we need to hear more truths from people. We should demand it. And, for those who cannot share in that cause, we need to ignore them. They have earned that right.

    • PS – If you do not recognize why I listed the organizations I did, please look them up. For Dupont search with the name “Dark Waters.” For Pacific Gas & Electric, search on “Erin Brockovich.”

    • Linda, agreed. Democrats have a list of shame as well, but it is not as pervasive as it is in the GOP. Top of mind, Elliott Spitzer, Anthony Weiner, Bob Menendez are a few. And, Bill Clinton is most famous for his emphatic lie “I did not have sexual relations with that woman.” Keith

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