Wisconsin Republicans and forever chemicals

Speaking of poor governance, here is what Wisconsin Republicans have proposed.

“Wisconsin Republicans are withholding $125m designated for cleanup of widespread PFAS contamination in drinking water and have said they will only release the funds in exchange for immunity for polluters.”

Reread that paragraph. PFAS is a forever chemical. DuPont had huge issues with PFAS poisoning the environment and its own employees as they made Teflon products.

Let me emphasize, Dupont lied to employees, neighbors and even customers. After reneging on promises, they were forced by successive court losses to settle with their victims for $300 million.

For state legislators to take this action is shameful. DuPont knew they were harming people for decades and hid the evidence. In fact, an exhaustive study was done which showed conclusively there was a link to DuPont and people poisoned by these forever chemicals. And, it is not just DuPont.

16 thoughts on “Wisconsin Republicans and forever chemicals

    • Clive, my guess is they are. What Republican voters do NOT realize is the push for conservative judges has less to do with abortion and more to do with reducing class action risk to companies. So, passing legislation to protect polluters is the first line of defense.

      I use the DuPont example as what they did to harm people and livestock was egregious, plus their insulting cover-up. “Dark Waters” (which focused on DuPont) and “Erin Brockovich” (which focused on Pacific Gas and Electric) are must see movies. Polluters must be held to account, especially when they know they are harming people.


      • Seems a reasonable guess. Republicans are very much on the side of the companies who line their pockets, like the Tories here. I’ve seen Erin Brokovich but not Dark Waters. It is on Netflix so I’ll add it to my ever increasing TBW list!

  1. Welcome to post-Chevron America. If, as expected, the radical Supreme Court majority rules against the “administrative state” in their soon-to-be-announced Chevron decision, FEDERAL agencies such as the EPA, OSHA, ATF, etc will be unable to function as they have under the executive branch. This is nuts, as we just saw in the SCOTUS bump stock ruling, when Clarence Thomas assumed he knew more than the ATF. We must elect people in local, state, and federal elections who will answer to the people with common-sense legislation and judicial rulings–and we must expand this court.

      • I’m much more comfortable with an optimistic view of things, Keith. This Court is empowering state legislators like the ones you write about to take steps against the public interest, and we must just keep working for the type of government officials most Americans want.

      • Annie, what these legislators need to realize is they now have 50 opportunities to look bad. So, they need to make better decisions. Keith

  2. Note to Readers: I left a message with the Speaker of the Wisconsin State House. My message borrows from what I discussed above. I did close with this is evil. Note failing to act is bad, but covering up is horrible. What is present in Teflon was designed for military tanks. That is not a misprint.

    • PS – Before we leave the hall pass Wisconsin Republicans wants to give PFAS polluters, note that over 90% of humans have Teflon in their bodies. You still want to give them that hall pass?

    • That is some growl! Jill, this shameful legislation should serve as representation of what the Republicans are all about. Protect the funder, screw everyone else. I use the DuPont example as I believe what they did warranted even more penalty than $300 million.

      DuPont agreed to make settlement based on exhaustive study of about 7,000 residents which clearly revealed DuPont caused the deaths and illnesses. Then, they reneged. So, the attorney took them to court one case at a time, winning all four he tried with the last one penalizing DuPont $20 million. They then settled as they knew they could not win.

      In their files, the attorney found a lot of evidence they knew they were poisoning people, even at the highest level. The attorney even found evidence they moved pregnant women off the Teflon line due to birth defects that occurred. And, yet they still told no one. These are the kinds of folks Wisconsin Republicans are trying to shelter.


      • I’ve had many opportunities to perfect the growl over the past ten years or so, my friend!

        I fully agree with you that DuPont’s settlement was but a slap on the wrist, considering the damage they did. Sadly, this is not an anomaly, but is fast becoming the norm, that our current culture that values wealth over all else. And still, the poorest people, those most likely to be adversely affected, continue to vote for people who give precedence to the wealthy and disdain the lives of We the People.

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