“It has to stop”

The outgoing president has an unhealthy influence over his more strident voter base. They actually do not fathom the obvious – Donald Trump will do anything to avoid losing, even burn everything down. Sadly, a more zealous few are threatening violence to hard working folks who remember what an oath is and are trying to get the election right.

In a Boomberg article entitled “Trump Accused by GOP Official of Inspiring Threats of Violence” by Margaret Newkirk and Mark Niquette the following paragraphs speak volumes:

“Georgia’s Republican voting system manager denounced President Donald Trump and the state’s two Republican U.S. senators for not condemning, and even encouraging through silence, the threats of violence being made against election workers and the state’s top elections official.

His voice shaking with anger, the normally even-keeled Gabriel Sterling said his boss, Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, a Republican, had received death threats, has had Trump supporters driving caravans around his house and entering his property, and that “his wife of 40 years” has been getting threats over her mobile phone.

‘It has to stop, he added.

Sterling said he decided to speak out after he learned about a series of threats against a 20-year-old contractor — including photos of a noose with his name on it — in response to a video of him working with a piece of election equipment. The video has been widely circulated this week by Trump backers as proof of fraud, which it’s not, Sterling said.

‘This kid took a job. He just took a job,’ Sterling said during a news conference on Tuesday in Atlanta to provide an update on the progress of a recount requested by Trump. ‘I can’t begin to explain the level of anger I have right now over this. And every American, every Georgian, Republican and Democrat alike, should have that same level of anger.'”

Sterling directly addressed Trump, saying that while he had the right to fight for every legal vote, it was his responsibility to draw the line. The president continues to insist without evidence that the election was rigged — despite even Attorney General William Barr saying the Justice Department hasn’t uncovered widespread fraud that would change the election outcome.

‘Mr. President, it looks like you likely lost the state of Georgia,’ Sterling said. ‘Stop inspiring people to commit potential acts of violence. Someone’s going to get hurt, someone’s going to get shot, someone’s going to get killed. And it’s not right.’

‘Elections are the backbone of this democracy and all of you who have not said a damn word are complicit in this,’ he said. ‘It’s too much.’

Raffensperger praised Sterling at a news conference on Wednesday and said ‘it’s about time more people are out there speaking with truth.

‘This is exactly the kind of language that is at the base of the growing threat environment for election workers who are simply doing their jobs,’ Raffensperger said of Trump’s continued claims about voter fraud without evidence.”

Let me be clear. The outgoing president is throwing gasoline on a fire with his unsupported and consistently refuted assertions of wide-scale voter fraud. More than a few Republican officials have spoken out, but what is missing is more condemnation from the spineless Republican Senators. Republican Congressman Denver Riggleman even called their silence “unethical.”

Mr. Trump, you lost because you got fewer votes in the states that were in contention. Your claims of wide-spread voter fraud and that you actually won the election are ludicrous, dangerous and unsurprising. And, one thing that will not be surprising is if someone gets hurt, you will wash your hands of any blame because accountability is not in your modus operandi.

So, I hope with Attorney General William Barr’s findings of no wide-scale fraud, more Republicans will tell you the words you need to hear – “man up and admit you lost.”

Trump Accused by GOP Official of Inspiring Threats of Violence (msn.com)

32 thoughts on ““It has to stop”

  1. Trump says, ‘If we don’t root out alleged voter fraud then we have no Country’ surely not if he’s the only one alleging it. This has gone beyond ridiculous and into farce now and still nothing from the Republican Senate, they should hang their heads in shame though of course they won’t.
    A good post Keith.

    • Thanks David. I saw where a member of the Fox News team, not the opinion hosts, eviscerated Trump’s alleged voter fraud claims for the second time in two days. And, if someone gets hurt, these Senators and the president will claim they had nothing to do with it. People in leadership positions need to lead, otherwise they are just a seat warmer. Keith

  2. I am so thoroughly disgusted with Trump, his minions, and those people who have the unmitigated gall to threaten the lives of innocent people! One could easily get the impression that this is a nation of fools … violent fools sans conscience. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Excellent post, Keith … maddening, but thank you for sharing this … as your title said, THIS MUST STOP!!! NOW!!! And to top it off, I saw a headline tonight with Trump smugly smiling, that read “See you again in 2024”. Over my dead body! He doesn’t deserve to be nominated for sewage worker, let alone president, and I feel the same about those wussy senators who haven’t the cojones to speak out against this debacle.

    • Jill, I would welcome his see you again banter as that means he is leaving now. Trump will continue to drag people into the swamp with him. I think at some point, more than just a few will fall off the bandwagon. Right now, more than a few are realizing he is acting like toddler whose mother put in his room for misbehaving.

      It won’t happen, but some senior GOP Senators need to step up and say “you lost Mr. president, get over it.” Keith

      • That’s true … but I don’t want to see him again in 2024 … or ever, for that matter. No, it won’t happen, because Mitch McConnell stifles any thought of conscience the others might have. I see another of his fraudulent lawsuits got tossed today in Wisconsin. At least the judges have a bit of sense.

      • Jill, I had not heard of the latest case getting tossed. I did see the Justice Dept tossed an unwelcome White House spy. Keith

  3. Reblogged this on Filosofa's Word and commented:
    I almost never post an interim post at 11:00 p.m. … I have a schedule and try to stick to it. But I just finished reading this post by our friend Keith and I am burning with fury. What is happening in Georgia … nay, all around the country, but most visibly in Georgia as we approach the runoff election, is the most abominable thing, and still the republicans in Congress are mum. This is, apparently, the new society in the U.S. today … the new America … whose motto is “If you don’t like them, shoot them!”

    • Kim, I think the silent ones are worse as they know better. What Trump is doing is disgusting, childish and dangerous, but it was expected as it is in keeping with his character. Informed comedians Bill Maher and John Oliver having been predicting this for many months, in Maher’s case for over a year. And, Bernie laid out to Jimmy Kimmel precisely what Trump would do three weeks before the election. Keith

    • Rawgod, true. They made this bed. They had the chance to call witnesses in the impeachment trial in the Senate and did not. They could have told the base, our hands are tied, he did all the things he is accused of and we need to act. That would have saved their party and the country, and people’s lives, as Pence would have at least done something other than misleading people about COVID-19 (although, I am not a Pence fan). I have been asking Senators for about two years “is the person you want to spend you reputation on?” Keith

      • Yes, Keith, I know you have, but you never got the answer you wanted, did you? They are sorry excuses for human beings, in my opinion.

      • Rawgod, it reveals the oath to uphold the constitution are just mere words. The person they are covering for is torching the constitution. As Michael Beschloff (sic), a historian noted on NPR, the constitution is not perfect, but he requires the upholders to be decent people. As David Brooks, a conservative pundit said, Trump has “no sense of decency.” Keith

  4. That’s what I thought of too. As he acted throughout his presidency, now too, he is dividing the States and even forces riots, although he is the one to calm them!

    • Erika, since he did the same thing with his COVID-19 misleading and endangerment of even his most loyal supporters, supporting armed protests, attacking peaceful protestors, etc. the word that comes to mind will infuriate his followers. The word is sociopath. He cares more about his personal gain than the country and people he represents. Keith

      • But that’s simply what he is: a sociapath! That’s no secret, he lives that kind of personality freely and thinks it makes him the best president ever.

      • Erika, true. Everything he does is “beautiful” and everything others do is a “disaster” using two of his favorite words. Keith

  5. Note to Readers: I truly am tired of writing about such a deceitful, corrupt and petulant person. To me, what is obvious and even expected does not register with his cult-like supporters. What they fail to realize is, like the hard-working election officials who are being threatened, they are also mere pawns in this sociopath’s game. He risks their health, lives, and freedoms and could really care less about them, as long as they vote for him and do his bidding. This is a reason he fires so many people who disagree with him. There is a scene from the miniseries “Shogun” where a samurai chops off the head of a civilian in his domain that does not bow low enough. That is the Trump modus operandi without the chopping.

  6. Note to Readers: I just posted this comment on Kim’s blog, so I will repeat it here:

    It should be noted, Georgia has just recertified their results. This is after two recounts and an audit. We should focus on those who are trying to get this right. One of the keys to all of this, is the outgoing’s president campaign has lost all but one of about 40 court cases. GOP Senator Ben Sasse noted the attorneys are not presenting the wide-spread claims of the president, as if they lied to a judge that is a crime.

    Please note, every election has some voter irregularities. Many of the so-called fraud claims are handled within the normal processes. The one case that the outgoing president won threw out about 600 votes in PA. What bothers me most are several issues. The outgoing president has staged what he is doing now for about six months, first by claiming the mail in process was fraught with peril, hobbling the post office, getting some states to limit mail-in timetable, and hiring 1,000 attorneys. What he is doing now is not a surprise as it was predictable and predicted.

    What frustrates me most is the silent Republican Senators who have not condemned the president and the handful who are aiding and abetting the outgoing president’s fraud he is perpetrating on Americans. What Chris Krebs, who is well thought of by both parties but was fired by the president for disagreeing with him, noted in the “60 Minutes” interview, that 95% of the ballots have a paper trail up from 82% in 2016. So, the auditing is easier to do.

    The question for Trump supporters must be asked: is it easier to believe there is wide-spread fraud that would have to encompass a great number of Republican election officials, Secretaries of State, governors, the AG, the head of the election commission, Krebs and his cybersecurity officials, and judges OR is it easier to believe a person who is well-documented as not being very truthful is lying yet again? Occams’ Razor would point us to the latter.

    This outgoing president is the biggest threat to national security that we have and is endangering our democracy and lives of people. That is what this independent and former Republican thinks.

  7. Note to Readers: I encourage everyone to reach out to their Senators, especially the silent Republican ones, and others if you are so inclined. It has to stop is more than just a plea to their last ounce of integrity. Political courage is rare these days. What the outgoing president is doing is not courageous, it is petulant and dangerous. Keith

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