Infrastructure bill – letter to the editor

I am very pleased the US Senate passed an infrastructure bill. Here is a letter I sent into my newspaper this weekend. Let’s see if they publish it, but I at least wanted to let others see it, in case they do not.

I applaud the sixty-nine US Senators who approved the much needed Infrastructure bill, including the 19 Republicans (Burr, Tillis as well) who voted for it. The bipartisan push for this bill is very encouraging for this independent voter and shows we can remember how to work together.

This bill is about ten years overdue as our infrastructure is of great concern. Many may not realize we did not get the Chicago Olympics because our airport, train, communication and highway infrastructure was severely outdated. And, that decision was made several years ago. Let’s encourage our legislators to do more of this and cease the tribal politicking that will be our demise.

19 thoughts on “Infrastructure bill – letter to the editor

  1. Well done for making editors aware there are people who approve of maintaining the infrastructure and that there are republicans with a sense of responsibility.
    I remember way back; one of our legendary Alistair Cooke’s ‘Letters from America’ focusing on concerns raised about infrastructure; the basis being that without constant attendance to this problem the USA would cease to exist as air transport could not be expected to take up the strain.

    • Roger, thanks. Cooke’s observation is correct. It is a hard subject to begin with, but one that must be attended to on a routine basis. In America, we like to build things and pound on our chests. Maintaining things is less thrilling, so it does not get done, until something falls down or kills people. I wrote ten years ago about an effort of Democrat Ray LaHood, former Director of Transportation, and Republican Ed Rendell, the former Governor of PA, who spoke on front of Congress about the need for infrastructure investment. Rendell said there were 2,000 bridges at risk in Pennsylvania alone.


      • That figure rings a bell from the Cooke broadcast although I think it was a different state.
        Concerns which are echoed in the UK, ours tend more around potholes and other subsidence; same principal though and in their own way just as disruptive on our smaller roads.

      • Roger, unrepaired pot holes are the poster child of sloppy maintenance. And, when going fast are both dangerous and costly in car maintenance. Maybe we should send our car repair bills to the Depts. of Transportation. Keith

    • VJ, I agree, but I hope this is not a one off. Biden is known for being collaborative, so hopefully he can coax more bipartisanship out of folks. It would help if more moderate Republicans in the House stopped listening to the “abusive” former president. They know if they do not toe the line, he and his sycophants will threaten them. Keith

  2. Note to Readers: If you agree with this position, I encourage you to call your Senators and Congress representative and tell them so. I also callec a couple of other Republicans who led the bipartisan push like Senators Portman, Capito and others. Keith

  3. I’m a big fan of writing letters to the powers-that-be. I mean actual letters written on paper and sent through the post. That’s because my father felt the same way and was still writing letters to the newspapers and the council and government right up until his death. He always got a response, and I hope you do too!

    • Thanks Yvette. Your father was a good citizen. I alternate between emails, posted letters and calling. The calling is good, but I only get to chat with a staff member. Although the staff of legislators cannot say what they think, some are obviously disheartened by poor decision making of their bosses. Keith

  4. Note to Readers: The Charlotte Observer ran my letter this morning with edits for brevity. Here is what they ran under the banner “Infrastructure.” Note Burr and Tillis are our state’s two Senators.

    “I applaud the 69 U.S. senators who approved the much needed infrastructure bill, including the 19 Republicans who voted for it — including Sens. Richard Burr and Thom Tillis.

    The bipartisan push for this bill was very encouraging for this ​unaffiliated voter and shows that we can remember how to work together.

    This bill is about 10 years overdue as our infrastructure is of great concern. Much of our airport, train, communication and highway infrastructure is severely outdated. ​

    Let’s encourage our legislators to do more of this and cease the tribal politicking that will be our demise.”

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