US Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) meets in Hungary causing further divide in the US GOP

An article that appeared in Reuters yesterday, reveals a troubling trend in the Republican Party. It is called “U.S. conservative conference with Hungary’s hardline leader reflects Republican divide” by Peter Eisler, Alexandra Ulmer, Anita Komuves and Andrew R.c. Marshall and select paragraphs are below. A link to the article follows:

“April 5 (Reuters) – America’s most prominent conservative gathering, founded on ideals of personal liberty and limited government, convenes in Budapest next month to celebrate a European leader accused of undermining democracy and individual rights.

The May meeting of the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) is seen by some Republicans as a test of how closely American conservatives are willing align themselves with a global movement of far-right, Russia-friendly strongmen embraced by former U.S. President Donald Trump.

The event’s keynote speaker is Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, a longtime supporter of Russian President Vladimir Putin. The European Union has accused Orban, who won re-election by a large margin on Sunday, of curbing media and judicial independence, enriching associates with public funds and recasting election laws to entrench his power.

The Hungary meeting reflects a years-long push by CPAC’s organizers, the American Conservative Union (ACU), to promote Trump’s divisive brand of nationalist populism to foreign audiences. Last fall, a similar CPAC-branded meeting was held in Brazil, spotlighting Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, a far-right leader and Putin admirer.

The Hungary gathering spotlights an emerging split among Republicans. While some have grown more tolerant of Putin and other foreign leaders with authoritarian tendencies, others are alarmed at the association.

Al Cardenas, who served as ACU’s chairman from 2011 to 2014, called CPAC’s embrace of Orban troubling, noting the Hungarian leader’s close ties to Putin, ‘the most dangerous adversary of the free world.’

‘Orban is no friend of democratic nations, and any gestures or cooperation with USA nonprofits sends the wrong signal to the rest of the world, especially in the midst of the Russia-Ukraine war,’ said Cardenas, who was also once head of Florida’s Republican Party.”

It should be noted that until the previous president, Republican presidents avoided CPAC, choosing not to attend. They saw the group as too extreme for the party. Trump is the first president to embrace CPAC and, in and of itself, that speaks volumes. This meeting in Hungary is just one more piece of evidence as to why they need to be regarded with caution.,groups%20get%20to%20influential%20conservative%20officials%20and%20leaders.

8 thoughts on “US Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) meets in Hungary causing further divide in the US GOP

  1. Note to Readers: I just posted the following letter on the websites of my two Republican Senators and Congressman. Please feel free to vary and use.
    It is time for the Republican Party to divorce itself from CPAC. Holding a meeting in Hungary speaks volumes and paints the party in a very unflattering light. Before the previous president, Republican presidents and leaders would ignore CPAC as too extreme. Now, they represent the party. Yet, they certainly do not represent America in the view of this independent and former Republican voter. I urge you to speak against this group and help return the GOP to a party with more veracity. Using the words of one of my favorite conservative pundits, Michael Gerson “the Republican Party is in decay.” Gerson is dead on accurate in my view. We need a viable GOP, but this is not the path forward.

  2. Note to Readers: What bothers me is too many folks do not realize how unusual certain actions are. They do not know of CPAC being viewed as extremist by Republicans in the past. They do not know that a president is not supposed to act like a spoiled child when he does not get his way. They do not know that a president who condones and supports violence is not appropriate. They do not know a president who is known for being untruthful is not a good thing. Joe Biden is not perfect, but neither does he act like a spoiled toddler pitching a hissy fit as his predecessor does, even still.

  3. This outcome in Hungary is a concern, although there is hope in Slovenia, whom rejected the candidate who maintained links with Orban. Divisiveness may cause the party some much-needed soul searching, we can hope. Anything at the extreme end of politics or society, be that left or ring is concerning. At least we kind of went the same way as Slovenia in our election. I wrote this post after reading your recent comment on my blog. Thanks for inspiring me to write:

    • Thanks Amanda. I wrote a similar piece as well. I love the focus on issues rather than contrived bumper sticker BS as our conservative party tends to do here. Keith

      • We had plenty of those three word slogans from previous campaigns too – it is a dated way to communicate and usually fear-based. Not helpful or constructive.

  4. I think that the decision to hold CPAC in Hungary and to engage Orbán as their keynote speaker, as well as having video appearances by Tucker Carlson and the former guy speaks volumes. I do hope the GOP has the good sense to denounce CPAC at this point, but given their adoration for the former guy, I’m not holding my breath. What I find more worrisome, though, is the fact that, as you mention, far too many in this nation do not understand the ramifications of leaning into an autocracy such as the ones ruled by Orbán, Bolsonaro, Erdoğan and others. France rejected LePen this year, and just yesterday Australia ousted Morrison, so those are the nations we need to look to as examples, not the clearly autocratic ones. We must educate as many people as we can to the dangers of the path we may find ourselves on if those who revere these autocrats have their way.

    • Jill, as for Australia, you have offered a perfect lead-in to my post of today. We can use that as contrast to what Americans are forced to discuss due to the disinformation campaigns by certain opinion hosts and candidates. As for your larger point where American conservatives are being aligned with some very bad apples, the concern of parents has always been to know who your kid’s friends are. If they are friends with Orbán, Bolsonaro, Trump et al, that would concern a parent. Keith

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