We deserve better

It would be great to see leaders in my old Republican party campaign against some of the Republican candidates who will further damage the reputation of the party and our country. Ted Budd, Herschel Walker, Dr. Oz, and Ron Johnson, eg are each not worthy of being in the Senate given their blind support of the former president and The Big Lie as well as other shortcomings. Democrats have a few interesting candidates, but for the most part the ones who concern me the most are on the Republican side.

Those who support Walker should see what his own son says about his campaign on family values. Four children by four women and not involved at all in their raising. This is on top of the abortion story that just arose or other inane ramblings on issues. Walker is a great football player, but this is not someone I want to lead us in the Senate. We already have Marjorie Taylor Greene from Georgia in Congress.

It is sad that we could end up with Budd as he defeated a much better and ethical Republican in former Governor Pat McCrory. Budd is huge Trump fan, but he also has some issues with his family business that should get heightened scrutiny and I have not seen one truthful ad from Budd in the campaign.

We should not forget Oz was called before Congress for peddling untested and potentially dangerous miracle drugs on his TV show and Johnson is so far afield, his own party openly disagreed with some of his Trump claims. What Oz did was in violation of his Hippocratic oath in my view and Johnson has been so far removed from the truth that his name is well known outside of Wisconsin.

We deserve better than these folks. The Democrats are running far better candidates and should get due consideration, even by Republicans. That is what this independent voter thinks.

10 thoughts on “We deserve better

  1. Our political carnival is a sorry mess, indeed. While I’m sure Walker is 100% unqualified for the job he’s applying for, I also have my doubts about his son’s Tik Toky rant. Something about that whole scene looks as phony as the old man and the fact that the kid’s been given such adoration and press is a measure of how low journalism standards have fallen.

  2. We DO deserve better, and we can have better if we all take our responsibilities seriously and VOTE! If every eligible person voted in this election, none of these candidates would win their bids. But sadly, some will be kept from the polls by new voter disenfranchisement laws that make voting more difficult than it should be for certain groups, and others will simply be too lazy or too lethargic to fill out a ballot.

    We are of like minds today … my p.m. post highlights some of the more chaotic candidates running for the House.

  3. It’s not about voting for Oz, it’s about voting against the liberal Dem who’s running against him. & honestly, it’s the same way for most Dems, they’re voting against the GOP who’s running. I know that’s true for me. I rarely like any of the Dem candidates; they’re just better than the GOP candidates. Sometimes not by very much. At least I don’t go around bragging about “owning the conservatives” or anything stupid like that.

    • Wouldn’t it be nice if our best and brightest ran and got elected? Wouldn’t it be nice if they worked together to get things done? I am not a fan of folks who say they won’t work with the other side as that is a disservice to us. Keith

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