Monday morning you sure look fine…just avoid the lunatic fringe

With another shout out to Fleetwood Mac, let’s start the week with one of their lyrics. If you are a fan, you know the next line is “but Friday I got travelin’ on my mind.” So, until then, we can just look fine.

Speaking of fine, if the former president wants to testify, please, oh please let him. That would be more than fine. When an untruthful person gets on the witness stand, two things happen – perjury risk goes up and changing answers increase. I have shared before, an attorney got the former president to change 30 answers to avoid perjuring himself in one sworn deposition.

Speaking of fine, I keep reading how even MAGA fans are getting tired of the antics of some of the elected “lunatic fringe” in their party. At some point, these folks wear out their welcome even with other more strident folks. I hate using labels, but to me the lunatic fringe represents the negative tail of a statistical distribution. In a normal distribution, the negative tail could be 2 1/2% of the group using two standard deviations.

In the context I am referencing, the Republican Party is not a normal distribution as the former president has pulled more negativity into the mix making his views more mainstream, So, the lunatic fringe is a little larger. Democrats have their fringe as well, but I do not see it as large as the Republican one.

“Lunatic fringe” is also a cool song from Red Rider. Just a few lyrics will reveal how prescient this song is:

“Lunatic fringeIn the twilight’s last gleamingThis is open seasonBut you won’t get too far
‘Cause you’ve got to blame someoneFor your own confusionWe’re on guard this time (on guard this time)Against your final solutionOh no.”
So, we must be on guard. Push back on people who are espousing nonsense. We know their names. And, we should also push back on those who believe the BS these folks are espousing. We won’t really be fine until we do.

9 thoughts on “Monday morning you sure look fine…just avoid the lunatic fringe

  1. Note to Readers: This is the first headline today in Politico:

    “Trump claims he wants to testify at his trial. No one else thinks he should.”

    The absolute kindest criticism one can make about the former president is “He is a variable.” In his mind, the truth is whatever he says. That is one of the reasons he repeats things multiple times.

    • Keith, Trump should be allowed to testify at his own trial, that surely should be a basic right?

      However, the judge should warn him, if he deviates from the trial material, he will be shut down and fined for contravening the Gag order.

      • Jon, I don’t think it is the judge stopping him. It is his own attorneys. They know what we know – he tends to be untruthful. Keith

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