Courage doesn’t always roar

A blog I subscribe to is called “Short Wisdom” by Elena.  Elena offers several quotes per day from a variety of authors.*

One I found quite profound is belied by its brevity. Here goes:

“Courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says l’ll try again tomorrow.”

Mary Anne Radmacher

I love this. Courage is most definitely not false bravado. That is posturing. Courage can be noticeable, but quiet courage is not advertised. It just happens day after day by everyday people.


9 thoughts on “Courage doesn’t always roar

  1. Note to Readers: One of my favorite movies is called “Cinderella Man” starring Russell Crowe as quiet, but determined boxer James J. Braddock. Per the movie rendering, Braddock had given up boxing due to a broken hand, but made an unexpected comeback since he and his wife needed money during the depression. He won several fights against good opponents leading up to a championship fight with Max Baer, who actually killed some boxers in the ring. Baer was boastful and brash.

    No one gave Braddock a chance and his wife played by Renee Zellweger begged him not to fight. Braddock studied Baer and plotted a strategy, but he knew one Baer punch could put him down. Braddick was quietly courageous and found his moment to knock Baer out. He was called the Cinderella Man by a sportswriter as he made his comeback.

    As a funny sidebar, Max Baer’s son with the same name is the actor that played Jethro on the TV series The Beverly Hillbillies. I would put my money on Ellie May to take out Jethro.

  2. I like this quote too and agree on its meaning. Sometimes it needs more courage to be reasonable and not right. Or to be patient and not persistent. And the greatest heroes are those who just act when their action is needed without any drama.

  3. Note to Readers II: John Wayne won his only Oscar playing a cantankerous but gritty character named Rooster Cogburn in “True Grit.” But, limiting the title to Cogburn does a disservice as the “true grit” also applies to young Mattie Ross played by actress Kim Darby. She is as gritty as the man she hired to bring her father’s killers to justice.

    Courage knows no gender. Women have long put themselves in harm’s way to protect their children and themselves. And, if men had to deliver babies, they would be more active in the birth control process. As comedian Carol Burnett once said, having a baby is like taking your lower lip and pulling it over your head.

  4. Hi Keith. I once heard courage described as doing something fearful when needed to help someone else avoid a worse fate. For example to challenge a large angry dog needlessly is not courage, to challenge a large angry dog to save a child is courage. Hugs. Scottie

  5. Note to Readers III: Courage is not denigrating someone who is testifying under oath, while the denigrator chooses not to swear in. That is akin to throwing tomatoes at the man or woman in the arena.

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