Smaller plates, less white foods – a second helping

The following is a second helping of an earlier post, not the food itself. Since we are doing more boredom eating and likely eating more comfort food, here are a couple of tips that help me keep my weight somewhat level. Use smaller plates and eat less white foods.

The latter is not a race connotation. It is a reference to those fattening carbs – potatoes, pasta, rice and breads. And, we sure love those items. So, the key to their intake, short of abstinence from them, is portion control – use a smaller plate and don’t go back for seconds (or limit what seconds look like).

I have been able to slowly take off and keep off the pounds. This has been an extended journey over five years involving light exercises each morning, walking and hiking and shrinking portions. The key to the latter is eat less of the good tasting, bad foods.

So, what has worked for me are some of the following:

– use a smaller plate for meals
– share meals of take out food (order one steak, potato, salad for the two of you)
– eat fewer potatoes, less pasta, rice and only one piece of bread, if you must
– eat bread-less (or maybe one bun) hamburgers, hotdogs, sandwiches
– when snacking, do not take the bag to the couch, put what you want in a small bowl
– when snacking, filling items like dried fruits or mixed nuts will pacify that hunger pang
– eat more green, red, and yellow foods, especially the green ones

If you are pre-diabetic, watch any fruits because of the sugar intake, and definitely cut down on the carbs, because the body will convert them to sugar. Also, unsalted or lightly salted nuts are better than those laden with salt. If you indulge one night, just make-up for it the next few days. I have a target weight. When I pop over it a few pounds, then I will eat more salads for lunch.

But, please do not take my advice by itself and check with you doctor before you do anything drastic. One final note – know your numbers: weight, blood pressure, cholesterol and glucose. This will help you devise a long term plan.

5 thoughts on “Smaller plates, less white foods – a second helping

  1. I have found over the years (especially the more recent ones as I’ve “aged”) that simply eating less is the formula. Sure, as you mention, some foods are more calorie/carb-laden than others so it’s probably best to minimize them, but again, smaller portions (and no repeats) seem to work best for me.

  2. Note to Readers: Another suggestion is don’t eat anything after a few hours before bed time, 8 pm, eg. This will aid digestion and sleep.

  3. Keith, all good suggestions. I doubt if any doctor would disagree on any of the points you made. But then, I’m not a doctor either! One thing that I try to do is plan what I’ll be eating a week in advance. One day meal prep takes the guessing game out of “gee, I’m hungry, what do I want?” That’s when the little devil on one shoulder can speak louder than the little angel on the other shoulder.

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