Black man talks members of KKK to cede their robes

The following is a repeat of an earlier post written four years ago. It remains relevant today. Our blogging friend Jill highlights weekly a few people who are shining lights in our world. Typically, these folks fly under the radar screen, as they do what they do to help people, not garner publicity. They are all about substance over optics.

Daryl Davis is one of those people. An African-American man, Davis has a mission to reach out and befriend members of the Ku Klux Klan. His goal is to change hearts and minds and he has successfully influenced over 200 members of the KKK to give up their robes, which he collects.

Davis grew up mostly outside the US as his father was in the diplomatic corps. He said his school classes included the children of other diplomats from around the world. So, he was gaining a very open-minded education interacting with others. He notes if he grew up here, his education would have been either segregated or pigeonholed limiting interaction with diverse people.

Davis said he did not experience racism until his family moved back to the states. In fact, he did not believe his parents when he learned he was being maltreated because of the color of his skin. He was incredulous that people could be so cruel for such an inane reason.

Davis recognizes that bigotry has to be taught. No one is born hating or demeaning others because they are different from them. Their parents and other adults have to teach kids to be racist or bigoted. So, he would seek to change those learnings by having open conversation. Per the link below, he says how can someone hate me without even knowing me?

He is an overtly friendly and approachable man. Having seen him laugh, I would say he is cherubic in a St. Nick like way. He does not insult, he asks questions and tells folks what he believes. When a KKK person said they burn the cross to light the way for Jesus, he would say you worship a different Jesus than I do. Jesus lights the way for you.

Through these matter-of-fact discussions, he gets people to think. He has studied the KKK and through reverse examples , he can illustrate the absurdity of certain claims. When he appeared on Bill Maher’s show, he astounded the other guests into silence just to listen to what he had to say. For the longest while, even the host remained silent, which is rare for him.

Please check out the attached link to learn more about him. “Bigotry has to be carefully taught” says the famous Oscar Hammerstein song from “South Pacific.” The converse is also true. Let’s teach kids and speak with others about being open-minded. It begins with conversation. Thank you Daryl Davis for showing us how. You are to be commended.

13 thoughts on “Black man talks members of KKK to cede their robes

  1. I can’t believe there are still people who believe that other races, genders, and religions are inferior and deserve to be punished or treated differently. But then I log onto social media and see an ignorant man going off about women and I’m quickly reminded. Mr. Davis is very wise to befriend his enemy and show them they’re wrong instead of simply protesting them. I find protests fall on deaf ears because people have to DECIDE to change their own minds, not be forced to.

    • Ang, well said. They are taught early to hate the people their parents hate. Davis’ story is amazing. I agree on talking to people to change minds. Thanks, Keith

  2. Wow, that’s an amazing person who proves that only peaceful behavior results in peaceful people. It does not make sense to tell people how wrong they are in their belief – that would be the same absolute thinking and only raises aggression. It is of no use to convince or evangelize others. We need to lead them to a place where they are able to observe themselves…

      • I can relate to his way so well because that is how I am “working” too. First I listen to them and then I am asking questions. Who am I to tell them what is right or wrong. I simply try help them to find their own answers. And the results are amazing. Thank you so much for sharing Daryl Davis story, Keith!

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