There is a chill in the air

We have been alternating the last several weeks between turning the heater on, turning the air conditioning on and leaving them both off. It is cool one night, but we know it will get up to warmer temperatures tomorrow. Now, we are back to nice autumn weather. Let’s hope it remains for awhile.

My wife of course has the added frustration of does she put her summer clothes away or leave them be? So, we have boxes of clothes on the floor. Please do not even mention the volume of clothes, as I learned that lesson the hard way. We husbands can be taught, but it might require us getting banged in the head by a pillow to make it sink in.

Of course, the retailers have started Christmas and holiday advertising in earnest. I have always done my best to ignore these commercials as it slights my favorite holiday of Thanksgiving. The cooler days will help even more with that holiday, meaning we may be able to light a fire at our outside picnic, a tradition we started when the pandemic was waning. Cooler weather means you can take an extra bite or two of the offerings.

We are fortunate with our gatherings that we are all of a similar mindset politically, so we have been able to avoid louder discussions. It is not that we don’t have more strident folks in the family, they just are not part of our immediate family. Other families are not so lucky. So, be prepared to change topics and divert attention. Some folks just like to bait others, so those folks should be avoided. Vote with your feet and leave the room.

So, enjoy these cooler days. Have a fun holiday season. And, may your college or pro football team be victorious.

23 thoughts on “There is a chill in the air

  1. We’ve had the up and downs with the heating too. Since the cost of heating is a big issue in the UK at the present, this is some relief for many households.
    Wise advise on political discourse Keith, I suspect recent encounters with an agitator of some sort; the discourse has been concluded as far as I am concerned.
    Congratulations on the mid-term results, and to you for all your personal efforts.
    Best wishes

  2. That sounds like a beautiful Thanksgiving tradition. We have developed new traditions for Christmas too due to the pandemic. Not everything was bad about it.
    And you definitely are lucky with your family.
    So, here the temps have gone up again due to our warm wind phenomenon that shows at times during the cold season. But it will be cold again soon.

  3. It’s getting a little chilly around here so I’ve been able to re-season my closet… although my summer clothes aren’t too far away. I was pretty tired of short sleeves and sandals so the change is welcome.

    I guess I’m lucky that I have never had to endure a holiday dinner that included the airing of grievances. That can’t be good for the digestion.

    Enjoy your picnic! That sounds like a nice tradition.

    • Thanks David. Let’s hope we are. Unfortunately, will we have to contend with an endless stream of bogus investigations in the House to discredit people, not get at the truth. Yet, it may show how the Republican Party is not that interested in focusing on issues to help people with small bank accounts. Keith

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