Miami 2017 – Billy Joel needs to change the ending with the encroaching seas (an encore post)

I wrote this post ten years ago. Think about what has changed and what has not. The then governor forebade his staff from mentioning the words climate change in speeches or articles. Yesteday, the current Florida governor is overseeing a law that says climate change is not really a problem. Note, his state is surrounded on three sides by water. You would think a good steward ought to be at least somewhat concerned.

In one of Billy Joel’s more memorable songs written in the 1970s, “Miami 2017” sometimes referred to as “The Night the lights went out on Broadway,” he sings of how everyone moved away from New York to Miami when it got so bad there. Here are the concluding lyrics: You know those lights were bright on Broadway. But that was so many years ago… Before we all lived here in Florida. Before the mafia took over Mexico. There are not many who remember. They say a handful still survive… To tell the world about… The way the lights went out. And keep the memory alive…

However, Joel may need to change the song ending as Miami is being encroached upon by the sea and it is not anticipated to let up. Per a PBS Newshour news article led by Kwame Holman, sea water is now coming up through the sewage system into the streets, the only place the water can escape. And, unlike Hurricane Sandy that leveraged off the rising seas to wreak havoc, this is happening without a hurricane, which makes it even more scary. Here is a link to the article:

I am not implying Miami will be under water by 2017, but I am saying that the predictions of a meter rise in the seas (between 39 and 40 inches) by the end of the century, may be too optimistic. Miami’s Dade County has been joined by three other adjacent counties to plan for the rising sea. Per the article, Eric Carpenter of Miami Beach Public Works Department said, “We have done our storm water management master plan that was adopted in 2012, and that had identified approximately $200 million worth of improvements that we needed to do over the next 20 years in order to keep pace with sea level rise and addressing flooding concerns within the city of Miami Beach.”

Per Holman, “Miami Beach is not alone in addressing sea level rise. South Florida has become a model for regional cooperation on this issue. Projections by a four-county climate change compact were turned into an action plan with more than 100 recommendations. Those now are being reviewed. Some have been adopted by county governments. Broward County Mayor Kristin Jacobs has been at the forefront of South Florida climate change discussions and has earned national recognition for her work.”

The dilemma is the $200 million estimated fix will likely not be near enough, some thinking it may need to be doubled. Miami is right at sea level, so any rise of significance will be problematic. Yet, the fact four counties have joined together to discuss the problem and identify action steps is encouraging. The logical concern is how to pay for what needs to be done. So, mapping that funding strategy must be a key part of the equation.

Several states have accepted reports of the 39 inch plus sea level rise – Virginia, Louisiana are two that come to mind. Unfortunately, I sit in a state that refused to accept such a report and would only accept one that projected forward off the previous 100 years’ results. So, North Carolina is hoping the seas only rise by 8 inches by the end of the century. North Carolina is literally holding back the sea with legal briefs. I applaud South Florida for doing what we are not in NC. Climate change is real, we are seeing it already and we need to do something about it. I hope that other communities share Miami’s concern and plan accordingly.

17 thoughts on “Miami 2017 – Billy Joel needs to change the ending with the encroaching seas (an encore post)

  1. Note to Readers: Governor Ron DeSantis is not only following current Senator and former Governor Rick Scott’s playbook, he is borrowing from President George W. Bush’s as well. Bush and his VP Dick Cheney (a former Halliburton executive) had a former petroleum lobbyist as his White House Council on the Environment strike all references to “global warming” and “climate change” from Administration scientists papers and speeches. Quoting a famous movie, “Don’t pay attention to the man behind the curtain.”

  2. It is proved that the sea level has risen already. Venice has faced more and more floodings in the past two years and the predictions are alarming. The Netherlands is a whole country under sealevel and endangered by the rising sea level. And still, there are politicians (and other people) who deny climate change and their consequences or don’t care! I don’t feel like biting my tongue anymore when this topic is coming up in discussions…

    • Erika, thanks for bringing up Venice and the Netherlands. Being at or below sea level kind of heightens the seriousness of purpose. The Florida governor is endangering people in my view. A key problem for Miami is the porous limestone guarding the aquifers – sea water can breach the limestone salinizing the fresh water.


    • Erika, I am no scientist,but have always believed the amount of water in our world is constant? So if sea levels are rising, the land must be sinking. This is not new, there has always been a shifting of the tectonic plates, some of which create earthquakes. Yes, they are part of “climate change”, but not man made and I doubt they are due to CO2.

      • I agree, it is not the only reason. I am no scientist either but I definitely believe that the melting of the glaciers and the ice on the poles in high speed is supported by man which adds a lot to the rise of sea level. Also, climate change has always been part of the evolution since our planet exists, but the pace on which this happens is a consequence of our egoistic and ignorant behavior over the past century or at least the last 60 years.

      • Erika, I agree the climate is always changing and yes, the change seems more rapid these days. You may have noticed I have a thing about GROWTH, which in my view is the root of all evil.

        Our world has for millions of years adapted, but it takes time, the rate of GROWTH has outrun the time needed for adaptation.

        Humanity has to stop playing GOD and overriding natural selection only then can balance be restored.

      • Erika, I agree with your assessment. I am no scientist either. Well said. If got a large bucket of sea water, froze it and thawed it, then the water level will remain the same. But, if I took the bucket of sea water and added trays of ice cubes, then it will over flow. Melting land based ice is different than melting sea based ice.


  3. I am reminded of that old saying, “There are none so blind as those who will not see. The most deluded people are those who choose to ignore what they already know. 

    • Jill, when icebergs melt, the haven’t increased the amount of water, they have just changed it’s form. First thing you learn, you cannot destroy matter, you can only change it’s form.

      The media is only confusing the general public, the fact is, environmental degradation isn’t about fossil fuels or CO2, or tree felling, environmental degradation (climate change) is all about GROWTH.

      • Jon, I hate to say this, but you are using an old argument that scientists have addressed. You are both right and wrong. When ice floes in water melt, they do NOT add to the water level. It is akin to ice in a glass melting. Yet, when land ice, such as Antarctica, melts, it DOES increase the water level and therein lies the problem.


      • Keith, save for the minute amount of water shot into space (I don;t know if urine returns on re-entry) the amount of water on our planet has not changed. Can you name me a scientist who says it had?

      • PS – Jon, growth is a factor, but it is only one of many. It is not the media who is misleading the public – it is fossil fuel companies who want to continue their billion dollar margins. Former Vice President Dick Cheney, a fracking company CEO, wrote the 2005 Energy Act. In it he said frackers need not comply with the Safe Drinking Water Act or the Clean Air Act. Fracking uses huge amounts of water that is chemically enhanced, so it cannot be reused. Fracking also increases vented methane.

        That is not the media. That is fraud.


      • Keith, it seems we have to agree, to disagree. Growth is the prime cause of environmental degradation (Climate Change), all the factors you mention are just offshoots. Control GROWTH and our world will slowly return to it’s natural state.

      • Jon, sorry I don’t have them on speed dial. I have seen documentaries that discussed ten years ago. One involved a US Republican Congressman who was a climate change denier and traveled to Antartica to see the measurement data. He lost his reelection when he changed his views on climate change and the industry funded his primary opponent.

        This train left the station a while back. Thanks for your comment. Keith

      • Jon, you have placed all your chips on one bet. We are poisoning our earth without growth, but limited resources will make it worse. I hear your point and understand, but it is not just growth. So, yes we will have to agree to disagree. Keith

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