A little vignette

Republicans cannot get out of their own way sometimes. The best example is their beating on their chest and repeating a mantra of “Border Security,” only to have a largely Republican crafted bill on, drum roll please, “Border Security” get voted down by Republicans. Why? Because their Kool-Aid pouring presidential candidate said it would be bad for him if passed.

Note to all. Please re-read the above paragraph. My source is the Wall Street Journal, a conservative publication. It clearly shows the issues are just props.

That brings us to contraception. Contraception protection was voted down as ten Republicans would not vote to move the issue forward. My guess is every one of the Republican members has had sex where contraceptives of some form were used. If it is not everyone, it is close to 100%. So, when that same Kool-Aid guy runs hot and cold on contraception, (sometimes in the same day) it concerns people.

But, here is the deal that “banners” don’t realize. In the age of the internet, people will find a way to order and get what they need. Even non-internet measures are used. When Americans are charged $1,600 for a 90 day Rx, they can get said Rx for $300 from Canada or Australia because R&D costs cannot be charged in those countries. Some forward-thinking people would travel into Canada to get a prescription drug for less money.

The same thing will happen with contraception or banned books. I am certain some enterprising folks will make it known. As for the books, one reader said his Republican governor provided him a reading list with his book banning.

10 thoughts on “A little vignette

  1. It’s the gamification of politics. Any “win” for Biden is a “loss” for Trump. And, as a lifelong Dem and liberal, it is my opinion that this is not a new thing with the GOP. I have had many, many arguments with friends and family for years and years and I would catch them in little lies all the time. All was justified in the name of fighting the commies, socialists, etc. With the failure of supply-side economics and the collapse of the Soviets, and China turning increasingly to market economics they lost their bogey men, leaving them only with made up outrage, astroturf movements, and “owning the libs” political games.

    • Kevin, interesting perspective. I use the term “zero-sum” politics, meaning one side’s gain, must equal the other side’s loss. Sadly, outside of that comparative equation is another one where we citizens either win, lose or draw. Both sides do this, but it is not a normal distribution, with Republicans inventing problems at a much greater rate, sometimes to appeal to a minority base of voters. Keith

      • I agree that both sides try to do this, but somehow, the GOP with the help of a few media outlets not even trying to be impartial are much better at it. In democratic societies all politics is a zero sum game of win our lose, but I really think that the GOP views wins for their party as more important than wins for the people so long as they own the libs.

  2. Note to Readers: The two female Republican senators who think more independently than the rest of the group – Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins – voted for the contraceptives protection. Sadly, they needed eight more.

    • PS – Republican senators who voted no because they felt the protection is unneeded don’t know their presidential frontrunner very well. The former president is so without conviction, he can be talked into just about anything. So, as many gutter ball bumpers that can be put in place will protect American from this wrecking ball running for president, to mix metaphors. Keith

  3. It is unfortunate that in light of everything we’ve seen in recent years, I have zero respect for Republican politicians and also for those who would foolishly vote for any of the lot. It seems that we are of different sub-species, for everything … literally everything that I find to be of value (human rights, women’s rights, racial equality, education that includes factual history, taking care of people, international relations, etc., etc.) are the very things that Republicans shun and mock. How can I respect a legislator (or presidential hopeful) who wants to whitewash history, to teach our children lies? How can I respect someone who would take away the rights of more than half the population because they are either women, Black, or LGBTQ? Where, I ask myself during those sleepless nights, is this nation headed?

    • Jill, well said. Yet, just setting aside all the misguided missions of the GOP, let’s keep it simple. I believe elected federal officials are violating their oath to the US constitution by giving the former president a hall pass on inviting and inciting an insurrection on the Capitol, not to mention extorting an election outcome. The former president said to “Hang Mike Pence.” What a guy.


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