A MAGA fan says Trump is the answer to Obama and Biden

A MAGA fan said (among his shots at liberal emailers) that Obama has caused all our problems and Biden is corrupt, yet Trump has done no wrong and is the answer. He said name one bad Trump policy. As an independent, here are a few observations that I shared with him and the group.

– under Obama, there were 91 months of consecutive GDP growth (3rd longest ever), six straight years of 2 + million per annum job growth and a more than doubled stock market after inheriting an economy in a housing recession from Bush; the GDP growth continued for awhile under Trump;

– under Obama, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau was implemented which works well and the ACA was passed which is working pretty well now;

– under Trump he passed a tax law that increased the debt by about $2 trillion that gave us a sugar rush for about a year then the economy fell back before the pandemic took us into recession;

– under Trump (and continued by Biden unfortunately), he introduced tariffs which never work as consumers are the ones who are punished (by the way, Trump lied to Americans about twenty times that the Chinese paid for the tariffs each time he was corrected by economists);

– under Trump, climate change research was removed from US government websites, climate scientists were reassigned and we left the Paris Climate Change Accord (Biden fortunately got us back in).

Then there is all of Trump’s other stuff – bogus election fraud claims, causing an insurrection, election meddling, mishandling of classified information, pandemic mishandling and his autocratic bent. There are reasons why a group of 154 historians of all political stripes voted Trump the worst president in US history. Former Republican strategist Steve Schmidt agrees as do I. Biden is not perfect, but there is a clear light of day difference between him and the low ranking Trump.

That is what this former Republican of 25 + years thinks.

11 thoughts on “A MAGA fan says Trump is the answer to Obama and Biden

  1. Note to Readers: The former president and his sycophants have convinced MAGA fans that Joe Biden and his corrupt court system are the reason for Trump’s many lies, sins, crimes, alleged and proven. Trump has convinced them he is not to blame for anything. Such a paragon of virtue?

  2. I’m beginning to think there is a difference between being a conservative and being MAGA. Have you seen the videos put out by Republicans for the Rule of Law? It’s time we start identifying MAGA for what they are — they are not Republicans. They are not a third party who want to change America from a democratic society to an autocratic society. They want a government of men not laws.

    • Joni, I agree, there is a difference but the more old school Republicans have been hobbled or run out of the party. Plus, the Senators who are more old school tend to work both ends against the middle.

      We are watching “The Tudors” series about Henry VIII. The similarities to Trump are uncanny. Henry VIII made subjects swear an oath of fealty that he is head of the church. Not signing it meant imprisonment and death. Henry did not want to hear dissent. Henry had numerous affairs with anyone he wanted. And, it was never his fault, when of course it was. Keith

  3. Note to Readers II: MAGA followers are made to believe that Trump’s legal troubles are Joe Biden’s fault. Yet, what escapes them is Trump has had legal troubles all his working life, including before he ever ran president. He even pursues lawsuits under the mantra he learned from attorney Roy Cohn, never say you are wrong, never apologize and sue everyone.

    A small example might help. Donald Trump was sued again for defamation of E. Jean Carroll after the first liability was assessed. Trump was taken back to court for additional defamation charges increasing his liability from $5 million to $83 million. Why? Because he would NOT shut up. The extra $78 million is all because Trump simply cannot stop denigrating people. Congratulations Mr. Trump.

  4. Note to Readers III: Donald Trump has threatened judges, he has threatened people who testified against him, he has threatened his own Vice President, he has threatened people who criticize him, he has threatened our country if he loses. America deserves better than this person. He needs to resign his campaign and save America anguish.

  5. Keith, Trump is the face and voice of about half of America!! So the question is, why is this so?

    I’d suggest the answer is, American governments spent too much time involving themselves with the running of other countries and too little time looking after the American people.

    • Jon, it puzzles me too that 1/2 of America support this illicit acting person. America should not try to run other countries, but we are in an intertwined global economy, so through mutual commerce we nurture relationships. Old school Republicans know this. The Kool-Aid Republicans think retrenchment is the way to grow. That is unwise. Keith

    • Linda, I will try to save the next one. Trump has done no wrong, Trump is only rough around the edges, Biden is corrupt, Biden’s policies are destroying the economy and our country, Trump’s policies produced great results, etc. are the key themes. Keith

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