Tuesday Truisms

Rather than focus on a song title like “Ruby Tuesday,” “Tuesday Afternoon” or “Tuesday’s gone with the wind,” I thought I would stick to a short and sweet title – Tuesday Truisms. In no particular order are few truths to digest this Tuesday.

People wonder why drug prices in America are so much larger than in other countries. A key reason is quite simple. Other countries do not allow the pricing of Research and Development (R&D) in the cost of the drug. So, Americans pay for a huge share of the R&D costs. This is a key reason why the industry fights against the US government negotiating prices for Medicare.

When the recent testimony and findings of the House Select Committee are reviewed, just set aside the culpability on the planning and execution of the insurrection for a minute. There are two truisms that are clearly evident that need to be loudly stated. First, the insurrection does not happen if Donald Trump is not president. Full stop. This statement needs no further explanation and truly speaks on its own. Second, Donald Trump did not lift a finger after being pleaded with for 187 minutes to help elected officials and stop the attack on the Capitol. Security details were talking with the Vice President not the person who could have cooled the jets of the seditionists. Full stop. Then you can factor in his role in the planning and execution which does not look good either.

Oh, Boris. We will miss you when you are gone. A sure sign that Boris was not up for the task of British Prime Minister was evident when the Brexit marketing team to get people to vote for such did not want Boris or Nigel involved in the planning. That spoke volumes to me. So, knowing Brexit was not going to go well from the outset, then pairing it up with Boris to lead the way, it was not a recipe of success. The British people deserve better. They deserve the truth and truth tellers.

Speaking of the truth and truth tellers, please ask yourself why people who know they are going to be vilified for saying something, say it anyway. Names like Cassidy Hutchinson, Fiona Hill, Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger should be remembered well for their courage and upholding the constitution. Yet, if you mention their names in MAGA circles, you will get a different response. Some would rather believe the likes of not very credible sources like Greene, Gosar, Jordan, Trump, Giuliani, Bannon, Stone, McCarthy, Hannity, Carlson, Ingraham, et al. By the way one person who was on this list, Mr. Cawthorn, who did not win reelection, is in more legal troubles being accused of using campaign funds for personal benefit.

As for what is happening in Ukraine, the story is hard to follow given the eagerness for both sides to claim success. I start from a position of not believing much of what Vladimir Putin says given his bent and training to misinform and disinform. There is a reason Trump admires him so. Yet, that does not mean Russia is not inflicting damage. So, Ukraine continues to make this fight linger on and in several areas have withstood the Russian offensive. To me, you need to look past the bluster of Putin. He cannot afford to make this fight go on too much longer and he certainly cannot afford to attack a lot of other countriies. That would be economically and militarily suicidal in my view. Yet, what he has accomplished is galvanize other countries against him and make him even more of a pariah.

That is all I have for now. Have a great week.

13 thoughts on “Tuesday Truisms

  1. In keeping with the Tuesday theme, I have a valediction for Messrs. trump, Johnson and Putin, courtesy of Crosby, Stills and Nash: “Tuesday morning, please be gone, I’m tired of you.”

    • Larry, I am very tired of them, too. I was reading this morning a piece in The Hill about McConnell’s miscalculation thinking he could let Trump off the hook on a technicality and then manage him. Back then, when he was not convicted of impeachment in the Senate, I shared with McConnell and others that they opened Pandora’s Box. They had a chance to put a dagger in Trump’s political career and could have garnered support. Instead, too many of chosen to lie saying January 6 was not that bad. So, CSN are dead on accurate as you have applied their song. Keith

  2. All very well said, Keith.

    Picking just a couple … even though I have additional drug coverage added to my Medicare, coverage I pay well over $100 per month for, I still spend so much of my monthly Social Security check on insulin and other medications that if I did not live with my daughter, I would be homeless, for I couldn’t afford rent/utilities/food after paying for my meds.

    Cassidy Hutchinson, Fiona Hill, Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, and off the top of my head I would add Alexander Vindman, have all sacrificed much to be the truth-tellers, to be the adults in the room, and I greatly admire them. The harassment they have received is unconscionable. Donald Trump is a cruel ‘man’ who should never have been elevated to the position of president. I don’t understand how some can fail to see his cruelty for what it is.

    Putin is also cruel and when/if he realizes that he has bitten off more than he can chew, I shudder to think what his next steps will be.

    Looking forward to your Wednesday thoughts! Poor Larry 😉

    • Jill, thanks for adding Alex Vindeman. I agree with the use of the world “cruel” to define the actions of Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin. Yet, they have gotten away with it for years. Keith

  3. Do you ever wonder if MAGA will disappear? It’s one of those things that make me cringe when I see people sporting that nonsense.

    I hope your week is well, and I have felt like it was a Monday all day LOL. Some of these weeks seem to just roll together, don’t they?

    I definitely agree with you and Jill about the heroes in the mix. I say anyone standing up against Orange #45 is a brave and courageous human being. I wish Liz would run for president.

    • Amy, sadly I think MAGA and Trumpism will outlive Trump. It is too easy to manipulate people when they pay attention mostly to sources who do just that. While I applaud Cheney’s courage and think she is a hero, I disagree with most of her policies and politics.

      As for the days blending together, we fall into that confusion often. We are retired and watch very few regular shows with set schedules, so we lose track of days. Keith

      • I do wonder if being the Vice Chair on the committee has changed her politics at all. She could do what I did and see that the Republican party is not where sanity is anymore. Amy

      • Amy, good question. I do think she sees this as a battle for the soul of the Republican Party. Does it want to continue on the path of deceit and denigration or does it want to get back on to a more normative road where truth and policy issues matter. Keith

  4. Note to Readers: Knowing Boris would not handle his assignment of PM very well was not a tough call to make. I was not being too prescient to note that it was fitting that Boris would oversee the difficulties of Brexit. Yet, even prescient people could not predict his many unforced errors as PM which led to his demise.

    The same goes for Donald Trump. I knew he would not handle things well, but the “equal parts incompetence and chaos” as conservative David Brooks called his White House was just part of the mix. Seeing his mishandling of COVID and his bogus election fraud claims and seditious actions were still stunning as they unfolded. Keith

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