Happy Thanksgiving everyone

Even for our friends who do not celebrate Thanksgiving, peace be with you. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday, bar none. Sixteen of us will sit down to dinner and fellowship tomorrow with a smaller gathering tonight.

If the rain cooperates, we will do tomorrow in a picnic shelter as we have done the past two years. Otherwise, our house will be crowded once again. We moved outside when the pandemic hindered us but liked it so much we did it again.

This will need to be short as more preparation is required. We have been at this for a few days, but thank goodness people will be bringing food, drinks or ice.

Please remember this season all of the things to be thankful for. Also, note good news is vastly underreported and bad news is vastly overreported, so things are never as bad as they seem. With that said, there are too many who do without or less than we do in this country and world. There are too many that live in a more dangerous area than we do and are ostracized and disenfranchised daily.

Let’s be thankful for what we have and remember those who are not as comfortable as we are or are in severe need. And, let’s take time to remember the empty chairs at the table. This is a way for our beloved family no longer with us can be celebrated. All the best.

23 thoughts on “Happy Thanksgiving everyone

  1. I wish you and your family a wonderful Thanksgiving gathering. This sounds like a really big gathering which is wonderful. There are definitely more reasons for being grateful than for things to complain about.

  2. All good wishes, Keith. Itโ€™s important to remember all the positivesโ€”and our progress as a nationโ€”amid the hard-to-deal-with evidence of our travails. Hope the weather is cooperating with your outdoor celebration.

    • As shucks, Cindy. Take care of that lovely family of yours. We will need to do a lot of Yoga to make up for the calorie intake. Best wishes, my friend. Keith

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