At least Martha was accountable

I had a thought watching a Martha Stewart commercial. Some folks may have forgotten that Martha got in trouble for acting on an insider trading tip a few years ago.

Martha accepted accountability for her insider-trading crime and went to prison. Contrast Martha’s accountability with a certain former president who consistently says he does nothing wrong and people just don’t like him.

Using an intended sexist term toward the chest-beating former president, Martha was “more of a man than him” taking her punishment. Trump is more like a little toddler whose mommy took his toy away to punish him.

I shared with my wife, Martha is a lot tougher than the former president. But, so are a lot of women. Former Rep. Liz Cheney is by far the most courageous person in the Republican Party. Knowing she would get and continue getting death threats, she called out the former president for his bogus election fraud claims and role in the insurrection.

So, kudos to Martha and Liz for their courage.