Sweet Baby James

Stories come at you when you least expect them. James Taylor fans can probably sing word for word his song called “Sweet Baby James” written for his namesake nephew by his brother. His brother lived on Martha’s Vineyard, an island just off the coast of southern New England.

I knew my sister-in-law was raised on Martha’s Vineyard, growing up on the less affluent side as she explains. But, last night I learned she taught math to Sweet Baby James in school. We were impressed, but the teacher in her would not let her get too excited. She hoped his studying would live up to his notoriety.

Not to outdo herself, she also ran across Carly Simon and Martha Stewart on the island. Simon would date James Taylor among other entertainment icons Warren Beatty and Mick Jagger. I have heard separate stories which note each of the latter two suitors were the impetus for “You’re so vain,” which produced one of the best put down lines ever. “You’re so vain, you probably think this song is about you.”

Simon’s most played song was used in a Heinz ketchup commercial as the actor awaited the outpouring of the ketchup. The song “Anticipation” would play in the commercial as the ketchup slowly came out. As for Taylor, he and Simon would do a cover of “Mockingbird,” which was a hit ten years before.

So, let me fade out with a few lyrics to the title song. “Deep greens and blues are the colors I choose, so let me go down in your dreams. And, rockabye sweet baby James.”