Three terms, really?

He who shall not be named (HWSNBN) said recently he wants to serve three terms.

From where I sit as an Independent and former Republican of 25+ years (and Democrat for 5 years), my hope is the former president will serve three successive sentences for election meddling, classified documents mishandling and for his role in the insurrection on the Capitol on January 6, 2021. From what I read, hear and understand, I believe he is guilty of many of these charges.

It concerns me greatly that HWSNBN has gotten this far as a candidate. Americans deserve better. Republicans deserve better. I would love to see Republicans replace him with someone we all can be at least proud of, even if we do not agree with all of their policies. I do not agree with former Representative Liz Cheney on several policy positions, but she is the most courageous Republican by far. Her father, former Vice President Dick Cheney, calls the former president a “coward” for lying to the American people.

That is what I think. And, no I am not a Democrat. I included this for some MAGA folks who accuse me of such when I dare criticize their frontrunner. This is part of the cognitive dissonance protective pushback.

23 thoughts on “Three terms, really?

  1. Yeah, Trump can serve his, three, LIFE-TERMS, in FEDERAL PRISON, given that he loses the Nov. elections, and, the U.S. Congress should pass a bill that BANS anybody who’s ever been charged with anything (misdemeanors included!) from running for office, but, seeing how things are going in the U.S. right now, chances are that Trump is likely to win another, term, which means that the U.S. is more than likely to get sold off for SCRAPS, in the, four years to come, and, whoever gets elected next, gets totally, SCREWED, left with the, nasty CLEAN-UP job of the, completely, CORRUPT, Repubilcan, Party.

    • I am inclined to agree with you, America’s legal and political systems are in decline and failing the people.

      Money now seems to surpass all legislation, rights and reason. It will buy the vote and support of all and sundry, it is the ultimate persuader.

      • Jon, money has always played a role in politics, but now it is more targetted with the ability to hide behind PACs and invest in races across the country. Here Citizens United and McCutcheon decisions by SCOTUS were god-awful. Keith

      • Keith, while I agree money has always played a role in politics, that role has now got to the stage where it surpasses all else. Sadly, nothing is being done about it! As a result Democracy is dying and no one seems to care.
        There are a number of simple things that could be done that would curb the influence of money on the political scene, So why no action?

    • Taurusingemini, a guy can dream can’t he? We need people to call Republicans in Congress and plead with them to actually govern and be critical instead of abetting the former president. I am long past weary of political actions that serve no purpose other than grandstanding. A bill is being constructed by Mike Johnson and HWSNBN to pass a law that already exists. Keith

  2. I know that creature who occupied the Whitehouse between 2016 -2020 has a very limited and selective knowledge of the US Constitution, but I thought it would be best to check before passing comment :,the%20President%20more%20than%20once.

    Having satisfied myself that once more the fellow is talking through his MAGA baseball cap, I then turned to the other issue. If Obama had even slightly, jokingly intimidated this, the US Right would have been up in arms (some literally), screaming ‘Socialist Dictatorship’. And yet, when Trump says it…either support or silence…. Proving once more The Republican Right care not a jot for the US people as a whole and even less for the spirit of the US Constitution.

    • Roger, there is a dual standard. Obama gets vilified for not wearing a flag pin, but Trump hugs a flag then betrays his country. Something is not right here. Keith

      • PS – a SCOTUS associate justice flying a flag upside down sends a bad message, but it is not as bad as another associate justice accepting a significant number of gifts, trips, tickets to sway opinion. The latter is fraud, while the former is just stupid decision-making. The latter should result in suspension or even expulsion.

      • It’s the ‘R’ word that dare not speak its name, I don’t mean ‘Republican’ either.
        And few token ‘true believers’ on staffs or Supreme Court will not convince me otherwise that this particular glass ceiling is one this breed of Republicans hold strong to.

    • Heck, Roger … if Obama had done even 1/4 of what Trump has done, he would have been impeached, removed from office, tried, convicted, and would be sitting on death row as we speak! They almost impeached him for not wearing a flag pin on his lapel! Double standard???? Nah, surely not!

      • Behind those serried ranks of Republicans lies the secret little thought ‘Those people need keeping in their place. They can go so far, but that’s up to us to decide, which ones and how far,’

        I have often thought, what would have happened if either Colin Powell or
        Condoleezza Rice had decided to accede to old school Republicans pleas and accept the ‘draft’ as Republican nominee after George W….?
        Talk about a history changer, because as I recall at that time their national popularity was running high.
        How would have the nascent Tea Party and MAGA crews would have dealt with that? Uh?

      • It might well have changed the course of history, or at least of the former GOP. But we’ll never know, will we? This populist movement was already gaining some steam at that point and may have had its way anyhow. Somewhere, somehow, it must end … the racism, the divisions, the white nationalism, the book banning, the whitewashing of history, the lying and cheating … the total disregard for the people who pay their taxes in good faith and cannot get good faith politicians in return.

      • Roger, interesting hypotheses – either Powell or Rice would have elevated the Republican Party. Another hypothesis if John McCain picked a better VP candidate than Sarah Palin, would his age been less an issue.

        Here is another one. Tim Kaine is a nice public servant, but I think Hillary Clinton screwed up picking him. She should have picked Cory Booker, the Senator from New Jersey. It would have shored up her shortcomings.


      • Indeed, McCain shot himself in the foot when he chose Palin for his running mate! He was trying to appeal to women voters by choosing a woman, but he made the worst possible choice! You may be right about Tim Kaine, though I like him, like his moderation. But I also like Cory Booker and think he may one day be the Democratic nominee for prez. Or Hakeem Jeffries, who is just now coming into his own.

  3. Note to Readers: Since HWSNBN is most scared of strong, smart women in my view, we need more women to rise up. One of my favorite stories about the former president is an older woman who refused to sell her property and home adjacent to a new casino he built in Atlantic City. She denied every attempt by the former president to buy her property including in person visits.

    The irony to the story is her home outlasted the casino which went bankrupt. So, she had the last laugh.

    • PS – The bankruptcy of the casino is related to Native American tribes gaining permission to set up their own casinos. A very troubled former president is on record saying derogatory things about Native Americans because of their doing this. Impacting his money is the best way to punish the former president.

  4. Say it again, my friend!!! I’m with you 100% on this one! And Roger’s point is excellent, too, about the difference in how Trump is being treated despite his many crimes vs how President Obama would have been treated had he done just one of those crimes.

  5. Note to Readers II: I saw where a Democrat Congressman was admonished for referencing the former president’s 88 felony charges in remarks on the floor. Apparently, it is OK for some to reference the current trial as a sham (which it is not), but not OK to quantify the number of actual charges.

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