Three terms, really?

He who shall not be named (HWSNBN) said recently he wants to serve three terms.

From where I sit as an Independent and former Republican of 25+ years (and Democrat for 5 years), my hope is the former president will serve three successive sentences for election meddling, classified documents mishandling and for his role in the insurrection on the Capitol on January 6, 2021. From what I read, hear and understand, I believe he is guilty of many of these charges.

It concerns me greatly that HWSNBN has gotten this far as a candidate. Americans deserve better. Republicans deserve better. I would love to see Republicans replace him with someone we all can be at least proud of, even if we do not agree with all of their policies. I do not agree with former Representative Liz Cheney on several policy positions, but she is the most courageous Republican by far. Her father, former Vice President Dick Cheney, calls the former president a “coward” for lying to the American people.

That is what I think. And, no I am not a Democrat. I included this for some MAGA folks who accuse me of such when I dare criticize their frontrunner. This is part of the cognitive dissonance protective pushback.