Civil war survey results are disturbing – note to Senators with a plea for leadership

The following represents a letter I posted on my two Senators’ websites and that of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell. It is yet another plea for leadership, this time in the face of a survey result noted in the first sentence. Americans need to hear that elected officials have a steady hand on the wheel.

Seeing a survey that noted 40% of Americans (and 50% of Republicans) think that a Civil War is likely in the next ten years is disturbing to this independent voter. What also is disturbing are elected leaders who sow discord to garner votes. One Senator said if the former president is charged there will be rioting in the streets. From what I have read and witnessed, charging the former president may be appropriate and hold him accountable for his alleged and possible crimes.

We need Senators to be the leaders we deserve. Like many, I am very tired of these zero-sum games that are being played. We are the ones that pay the price for this gamesmanship. Please help manage real expectations not perceptions and wants. To be frank, it is a failure of leadership that this many Americans believe these things.

Please feel free to adapt and use. It is high time Senators start acting like leaders. And, if they cannot, they should resign. It is one thing for an entertainment opinion host to babble about BS, but when an elected official parrots that BS, it is shameful because most of them know better.

6 thoughts on “Civil war survey results are disturbing – note to Senators with a plea for leadership

    • VJ, agreed. But, I also think the people who get along are vastly underreported. As for our lack of leadership, I think we the people need to shame them into being better leaders than they are. Keith

  1. Note to Readers: I think this topic of Civil War is one each of us should push back on. A simple question would suffice – do you really believe that? If the answer is yes, then we need to enlist the person’s help to help avoid this from happening. People need to have conversation around how asinine an idea of a Civil War is. And, if a person is promoting the concept, then he or she deserves to answer questions as to why. To be frank, asinine is the kindest word to define what a Civil War would mean. It would be like a circular firing squad.

    • PS – I truly think we need to shame elected officials into being leaders. Maybe they will get closer to the target if we do. What we don’t need is them making up stuff to garner votes from a hard core fan base. All that does is rev up extreme thinkers and puts them and others in danger.

      • PSS – I posted a similar note on my Republican Congressman’s site. I also called Senators Rick Scott, who is leading the GOP Senate re-election effort, and Senator John Cornyn, a GOP Senate leader, with the same plea. Maybe with Sarah Palin losing her election to a Democrat in what was perceived as a secure GOP seat will get more people’s attention in the GOP.

  2. Note to Readers: From today’s news feed:

    “A federal judge has for the second time rejected Sen. Lindsey Graham’s effort to block a grand jury subpoena issued by the Atlanta-area district attorney investigating former President Donald Trump and his allies’ effort to overturn the 2020 election in Georgia.

    In a 23-page order, U.S. District Court Judge Leigh Martin May ruled that the South Carolina Republican’s claim to be immune from such questioning — thanks to the protections of the so-called speech or debate clause of the Constitution — is not as sweeping as Graham claimed it to be.”

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