A few Gumpish questions – a reprise from January, 2020

I have written a few posts on asking more why questions, but let me define a few dumb questions, in the spirit of a fictitious chatacter, Forrest, Forrest Gump. It is amazing how these questions don’t leap off the news pages or out of cyberspace.

In no particular order…

Help me understand how the president can cause a problem, then get kudos (or claim such), when he solves (or lessens) his own problem?

Forrest Gump answered his drill sergeant’s question of his purpose? “To do exactly what you tell me to do, drill sergeant!” The drill sergeant called Gump a “genius” for his answer.

Help me understand how one of the largest US Christian denominations cannot resolve conflict and will be splitting in two? What message does that send?

Forrest Gump’s girl Jenny gave Forrest the best answer to danger. What should he do? “Run, Forrest, run.”

Help me understand how legislators, presidential candidates and current president don’t seem to care that our annual deficit and debt are exploding?

Forrest’s mama answered her son’s question of what is his destiny? “Life is like a box of chocolates; you never know what you are going to get.”

How can people not see the intense and elongated forest fires in Australia, Brazil and California and not think we have a new paradigm with our heating planet?

Forrest got a Purple Heart. When asked where he was shot, he said “I got shot in the buttocks. They said it was a million dollar wound, but I haven’t seen any of that money.”

How can people feel that putting a face on an opposing argument, then beating on that person can pass for reasoned counter argument (think Al Gore and Greta Thunberg)?

Lieutenant Dan showed up at dockside to honor his promise that he would be Forrest’s first mate if he got a shrimp boat. He told Forrest he wanted to get his “sea legs.” Forrest said, “But, you don’t have no legs.” “Yes, I know this,” Lt. Dan replied.

Help me understand why important people are so cavalier with their reputations by spending time with Jeffrey Epstein and underage girls (think Prince Andrew, Donald Trump, Bill Clinton)? The other sad part is Ghislaine Maxwell should have known better than sourcing underage girls for Epstein’s exploitation The truth would likely frighten and repulse us.

In the middle of all the Vietnam shooting, Lt. Dan offered this pertinent advice to his troops. “Take care of your feet and don’t get yourself shot.” Amen, brother.

One of the traits of a narcissist is a defense mechanism known as projection. In other words, to deflect criticism, a narcissist indicts others with his faults to paint others in a bad light before he is so painted. There is no better explanation as to why the former president name calls and denigrates others.

Forrest answered Bubba’s mother when she asked “if he was crazy or just plain stupid?” Forrest uttered his classic line, “Stupid is as stupid does.” That is a profound statement.

18 thoughts on “A few Gumpish questions – a reprise from January, 2020

  1. Note to Readers: I must confess when our family visited New Orleans a few years ago, we ate dinner at a tourist-y restaurant, Bubba Gump’s. If you have seen the movie, you know Forrest Gump made his fortune on a branded seafood based on his best friend Bubba and his name. I also must confess I still wear a Bubba Gump ball cap when walking. “And, that is all I’m going to say about that.”

  2. Good post Keith. Yes, help me understand…. I don’t. I never will. How did we get here and how did morality crumble. what happened to decency and doing the right thing and how can we elect those that should be in jail. ❣️

    • Cindy, when people fail to push back on boorish and rude behavior, it is tolerated. I also feel seeing pro players taunt their opponents gives license to others to do so. If we taunted an opponent, we got benched. Keith

    • Thanks Erika. You are too kind. The movie has a lot of quotable lines, which makes it easier. I think I could do the same with “Casablanca.” By the way, you gave me credit for a quote that I don’t think was mine in your post this morning. Keith

      • Oh, you are right!! I will correct that. I was definitely not in the moment when I scheduled that post 😂 Thank you for letting me know and sorry, Keith!

  3. Note to Readers: A sober quote I should have used comes from Jenny throwing rocks at the dilapidated house where her father sexually assaulted her again and again. Forrest said “Sometimes there aren’t enough rocks.”

  4. Note to Readers: In an old post referenced at the bottom of this post, I was reminded of a quote about Forrest Gump as it applies to then president Donald Trump. The quote source is an anonymous Republican Congressman.

    “Editor-in-chief of Red State, a conservative webcast, Erick Erickson quoting on his show an anonymous Republican Congressman he bumped into at a grocery store – ‘Here’s what the US Congressman said: ‘It’s like Forrest Gump won the presidency, but an evil, really f*cking stupid Forrest Gump.’ He went on to explain that if the president tries to fire the Special Counsel Mr. Mueller, he and his fellow Republicans were ready to impeach him over it, for the sake of trying to save the GOP from going down with him.’”

  5. Your questions are the ones many people are asking, have asked. And they are valid questions, ones that will not likely receive sensible answers from those who could provide such answers. But, the highlight (for me) of this post was the Forrest Gump quotes! I loved that movie and adored Tom Hanks in the role of Forrest Gump. The last one, “Stupid is as stupid does” is a stock phrase in our family when we discuss the news and the people behind the headlines!

    • Thanks Jill. The movie is filled with quotes about life and relationships. One of my favorites is when Jenny tells him he does not love her, Forrest responds with self-reflection. “I know I am not a smart man, but I know what love is.” That one tears me up just type it. Keith

  6. I had to stop by to read your review on the day after the big day. I’m glad I did. The truth in these quotes come from a place of innocence.. Their simplicity is powerful beyond measure. We have complicated things to the point the solutions are unrecognized.
    The one with all the degrees is rarely the smartest in the room.

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