A view up close of a narcissist

I worked with a narcissist for years. He was successful, driven and controlling. He was a good teammate if he was in charge, the quarterback so to speak. When he wasn’t, he nitpicked, naysayed and mocked other people’s efforts.

One of the several troubling attributes of a narcissist is they tend to be overbearing. They lean into people forcing acquiescence by shear will or from an authoritative position. A companion attribute also crops up, the inability to accept failure. It rarely if ever is their fault.

What I often experienced is a colleague would acquiesce to the will of the narcissist, day in and day out. The victim would do this for months or even a couple of years. But, eventually they would snap and lash back. Often the straw that broke the camel’s back was less an infraction than others that were accepted.

Invariably, the narcissist would say “what did I do?” and squeal on the protestor. This is akin to a bully complaining when someone pushes back on the bully. If you think about this, the tormenter finally gets what is coming to them, yet their defensive posture plays themselves up as the victim.

The person I am describing is a real person. But, when you re-read the above and insert the name Donald Trump, you see why he does what he does. He checks all the boxes of being a narcissist. It is never his fault and he blames everyone else but the one who should accept accountability.

11 thoughts on “A view up close of a narcissist

  1. Note to Readers: I was pleased to see two of the more rational and courageous Republicans, Senators Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins, endorsed Nikki Haley in the face of certain vitriol and vindictiveness from Trump and his sycophants. With a few exceptions, why is it the more courageous people in the party are women? Liz Cheney is by far the most courageous person in the party with its standard bearer beating on his chest with false bravado.

  2. Note to Readers II: Another key trait of a narcissist is projection, meaning he or she projects what is called onto others as a defense mechanism. If you want to know what Trump is worried about just watch what he calls others – Crooked Hillary, Lyin Ted, etc.

      • Thanks! I am just so glad that my sister in law is finally away from him!!!! She and the kids are sooooo much happier now, though sadly, he did a lot of emotional damage to them. But they are strong they will make it!

      • Joy, getting away is the hard part, so I am glad they did so. Was there any DV or just the emotional abuse which is bad enough? Keith

  3. Note to Readers III: From a Duke Health piece:

    “What are the symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder?

    Use the acronym “SPECIAL ME” to remember the nine signs of NPD.

    Sense of self-importance
    Preoccupation with power, beauty, or success
    Can only be around people who are important or special
    Interpersonally exploitative for their own gain
    Lack empathy
    Must be admired
    Envious of others or believe that others are envious of them”

    • Jill, the petty example of the misspelling is a common one. Even on small errors, once finally confirmed, it is someone else fault.

      I am reminded of Trump who made hay for three years on the Obama Birther issue. He was on Fox routinely saying without evidence that Obama was not born in the US.

      After Obama offered two sets of proof that he was, Trump would later acknowledge during the 2016 campaign that Obama was born here, but it the Obama Birther story was Hillary Clinton’s fault. This is the weak-minded shallowness of Donald Trump in a nutshell.


  4. I, too, worked with such a narcissist for several years … unfortunately, he was my immediate supervisor and expected me to agree with him on all things at all times. I pointed out to him once that in a memo, he had misspelled the name of the CFO at corporate headquarters … and he threw a fit, finally deciding that his spelling was right and if it wasn’t, then it was my fault. I was happy to see the backend of him when he resigned after a few years. And yes, Donald Trump fits every bit of the definition and then takes it several degrees further. The very last thing that ANY country needs in a leader!

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