Rep. Dan Bishop – sowing seeds of doubt sanding over past voting scandal

Note, the following is specific to North Carolina, but serves as an example. A winning Congressional candidate named Reverend Mark Harris was forced to vacate his win, when it was discovered he hired an operative to collect mail-in votes and toss those in opposition. Sadly, Harris has won the Republican primary in 2024.

To support his run for North Carolina Attorney General, US Representative Dan Bishop recently drew attention to Reverend Mark Harris being asked to forfeit a Congressional win in 2018 by a “Democrat majority” State Board of Elections over what Bishop called “some fairly minor illegal ballot harvesting.”

We should not forget that Reverend Harris’ own son testified that he warned his father about the illegal tactics being employed on his behalf by a political operative. And the “Democrat majority” board that rescinded Harris’ 2018 win did so by a unanimous vote, not just the Democrats.

I am tired of candidates purposefully sowing seeds of doubt, as Bishop did. They want voters to have less confidence in the election process. Sadly, people believe these stories. Harris was wrong and it cost him. So is Bishop. *

* I am certain Rev. Mark Harris is perturbed with Rep. Dan Bishop for raising this issue. The Reverend probably did not want to remind voters that he cheated before, hoping they would forget counting on short memories.

I sent a variation of this post and it was printed in the Letters to the Editor this morning in the largest newspaper in North Carolina.

Consider my plea to change your allegiance

The following is a letter I sent to a minister who once again is running for Congress. This is after winning last time and then being declared losing following adjudicated election fraud (he hired someone to collect and sort mail-in votes tossing opposition). He is airing a commercial where he cites siding with Trump and being endorsed by a Lt. Governor who has received bad publicity on poor remarks about various minorities.

I hope this finds you well. I watched a very troubling TV ad regarding your running for Congress where you embrace the former president as an exemplar of values we should emulate. As an imperfect Christian, I do not see his behavior as the sort I should emulate.

I am an independent and former Republican (and Democrat), but I worry about more Republicans not speaking out against the actual and alleged crimes of the former president. He has been adjudicated as a financial fraud three times in the last five years as well as for defamation and sexual misconduct and is facing another defamation trial as we speak. Plus, folks like Fox News are out $1.1 billion (and counting) for defamation as they knowingly gaslit their viewers for Trump. And, we must get to the bottom of these 91 charges which include the words sedition and election meddling.

It concerns me the truth tellers in the party are receiving death threats while the liars are aggrandized. Folks like Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, Lisa Murkowski, Mitt Romney, Cassidy Hutchinson et al are American heroes in my view. Liz Cheney is the bravest person by far in the GOP and she is demonized and vilified. I disagree with some of their policy positions, but applaud their courage.

In short, I will not vote for anyone who supports the former president in his current campaign. Full stop. Please reconsider how you position your campaign. It reflects poorly on your efforts. Folks that have flown too close to the Trump sun usually have their reputations burned.

Thanks for considering my plea. I will be happy to discuss your reaction, so just send me a return email with a good number to call. Take care and bless you.