Did I tell you about the time…?

We all need some outlets from the news of the day, the Coronavirus. Words like “flatten the curve” and “social distancing” are in many discussions. So, with a Thank-God-its-Friday sense of purpose, here are few things I want to share.

Did I tell you about the time…

– I called the Senator’s office and shared my concern with the staff member and learned I was speaking with the wrong Senator’s office? Oops.

– I said to a small gathering in front of our Health and Wellness coordinator, that we need to do these Mobile Mammogram screenings for our employees to honor “Breast Awareness Month” in October. She corrected me saying that would be “Breast Cancer Awareness Month.” Oops.

– I watched a colleague walk into the wrong gender bathroom by mistake at a client’s manufacturing plant only to see a line of three women looking puzzled as he walked out? He said he thought it was pretty progressive move to have a tampon machine in a unisex bathroom (this was 1985). Oops.

– I listened to a colleague recounting small talk with a female prospective client who had picture of Don Knotts in his Barney Fife deputy uniform in her office; after multiple probing questions he learned that she just had a crush on Barney Fife? Oh my. Don’t tell Thelma Lou.

– I watched a colleague try to take a charge from an opponent during a league game for our company basketball team; he did not want to get hurt, so he started falling before he was hit and slowly fell to his backside chuckling all the way down? Ouch.

– I almost fell on my backside at our wedding when we were lighting the unity candle and stepped wrong off a step, catching myself without too much notice? Almost oops.

– I did fall on my backside at a community play, when we returned to our seats after intermission, and my folding chair back leg was off the two-feet high choral riser; as I sipped my wine, my first thought was my date was going forward, but it was me falling slowly backwards to a loud crash? Ouch, indeed. My ego was more bruised than my tail bone.

– I was working with my son last week to pull up some stumps from trees that we had cut up after they fell; as we pulled the stump as I squatted using my weight, the stump freed itself and landed me on my backside. Oops.

We have to be able to laugh at ourselves and these events. My bride is still my wife. The date went out with me again. The Health and Wellness coordinator and I still laugh about the story. I reminded the faux charge basketball player of the story when we met up again after twenty years to laughter. The Senator staff member and I had a good chuckle and I am sure she shared the story. And, my son, my wife and I laughed about my stump removal techniques.

Have a great weekend. Laugh and the world laughs with you. Especially when you fall on your backside.

18 thoughts on “Did I tell you about the time…?

  1. You actually did make me chuckle over these! It’s always nice to know I’m not the only one who has these “oops” moments! I’ve heard the one about the “Breast awareness month” before, but it still make me laugh today. Thanks, Keith!

  2. You were pretty lucky with all of those oops… lol! As Jill said, good to know that there are more who experience such “happenings”… lol

    • Erika, I think we all have them. My kids love these stories better than any lesson I could give. I did repeat a few and left others off. I am sure you have one or two unplanned surprises with all of your perfomances and travels.

      My wife likes to tell of the local Junior Miss beauty pageant she was in where she sang “You’ve got a friend” and ate the microphone as she was so nervous. She said it sounded garbled. She did win Miss Congeniality as she cracked a joke at a rehearsal as she was also nervous. Keith

      • Those are the stories which really remain in our minds and make a memory even more memorable. Or actually, those oops are the reason we remember certain events 😄

      • Erika, so true. We tend to remember our “oops” more than the good things we do. They keep us humble. Keith

  3. Note to Readers: A few more. Did I tell you about…
    – the time I was walking into a sunset in a parking garage and walked into a low I-beam which hit me in the forehead, staggering me backwards as if I was hit by a punch? Ouch, indeed.
    – the time I slipped at the top of the stairs and slid all the way down on my back? Ouch, again, bruised ego and back.
    – on another date with the community theater date, we waited at a packed local pizza place for what seemed like 45 minutes; when the pizza arrived, the waitress was jostled and the pizza landed face down on the floor? Hunger pains.
    – after unknowingly offending another date and learning of my transgression and that our date was canceled after driving 30 minutes to her house, I got my car stuck on her parent’s rock garden while backing down a hilly driveway; her father towed my car while she stared out the front window? Oops.

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