A little vignette

Republicans cannot get out of their own way sometimes. The best example is their beating on their chest and repeating a mantra of “Border Security,” only to have a largely Republican crafted bill on, drum roll please, “Border Security” get voted down by Republicans. Why? Because their Kool-Aid pouring presidential candidate said it would be bad for him if passed.

Note to all. Please re-read the above paragraph. My source is the Wall Street Journal, a conservative publication. It clearly shows the issues are just props.

That brings us to contraception. Contraception protection was voted down as ten Republicans would not vote to move the issue forward. My guess is every one of the Republican members has had sex where contraceptives of some form were used. If it is not everyone, it is close to 100%. So, when that same Kool-Aid guy runs hot and cold on contraception, (sometimes in the same day) it concerns people.

But, here is the deal that “banners” don’t realize. In the age of the internet, people will find a way to order and get what they need. Even non-internet measures are used. When Americans are charged $1,600 for a 90 day Rx, they can get said Rx for $300 from Canada or Australia because R&D costs cannot be charged in those countries. Some forward-thinking people would travel into Canada to get a prescription drug for less money.

The same thing will happen with contraception or banned books. I am certain some enterprising folks will make it known. As for the books, one reader said his Republican governor provided him a reading list with his book banning.