Listen to the truthtellers – sample letter to editor

Misinformation and disinformation abound with COVID-19. The line we must use when we see incredulous Facebook posts or hear fabricated conspiracy theories (like Bill Gates concocted COVID-19 to make money), or the simple echoing of misinformation by the president, is “I would encourage you to listen to the truthtellers.” When asked, you can mention the doctors and scientists. If asked to elaborate further, you can say “Listen to the people not patting themselves on the back telling what a great job they are doing.”

7 thoughts on “Listen to the truthtellers – sample letter to editor

  1. I write my opening statement in all sincerity and respect for the true Americans (as opposed to Trump supporters)…What I am about to write may run counter-intuitive to that independence which is part of an American. (and I admit to a European left-wing prediliction to following statements)
    With the current pandemic sweeping the world, the only organisations able to handle a crisis of this magnitude are governments and not profit driven large corporations.
    It follows therefore a government needs to exercise a stronger measure of control and the individual needs to realise they have a responsibility to the well-being of the whole community.
    This has lead to discussion in this region of the world of the return of Big Government and the gradual placing of more faith in government than has been fashionable (and I use that word strongly) over the past 50 years.
    One benefit may be the discrediting and thus purging of the fear-mongers, conspiracy theorists and again ‘fashionable’ protestors (to clarify, those who inhabit social media on a constant ‘V for Vendetta’ trip). It is unfortunate for the USA you have some of these in positions of authority and influence within your various levels of government.
    Best wishes to you and yours Keith.

    • Roger, you have just well stated the red flag raised in Michael Lewis’ book “The Fifth Risk.” Trump’s “equal parts chaos and incompetence” White House as defined by conservative David Brooks started when Trump fired his transition team and tossed their vetting work. Briefings did not occur, positions went unfilled for many months and some forever. Trump does not know how government works because he nor his direct reports do.


  2. Note to Readers: A variation of this letter was published today in The Charlotte Observer. The variation is the opening paragraph which references an editorial piece on disinformation last week.

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