Using your best toddler voice, say with me

Like many Americans and non-Americans, we are long past weary of the relentless lying and posturing words and actions of the former president. To me, long before he ran for president he was not known for truth telling. In fact, as Rick Reilly said in his book “Who’s your caddy?” about his stories caddying for golf pros and celebrities about twenty years ago, “Donald Trump cheats at golf right in front of you.” He makes no bones about.

That is as good a metaphor for his routine sales schtick he uses to mislead the American people. His lying and cheating are OVERT. He does it right in front of you. And, it is his modus operandi learned over many years of practice. In fact, in Cassidy Hutchinson’s book “Enough,” she said Trump did not mind being called a liar – he minds being called a loser.

Yet, when caught in a lie, sin or crime, we know it is never his fault. His mantra is to deflect blame or accuse someone else. His excuses are very much like a toddler’s when his hands are found in a cookie jar with crumbs on his face. So, in your best toddler voice mimic Trump’s excuses:

”I didn’t do it.”

“They just don’t like me!”

“They don’t want me to win.”

”They stole it from me. I won by a long shot!”

“It is all unfair. I didn’t do anything wrong.”

”She’s not my type.

”I didn’t sleep with her.”

Now, repeat them again honing your best toddler voice. This is what Trump sounds like to me when he offers his tiresome excuses. As for his sycophants and spineless rationalizers, I need to figure out a voice for them. I am thinking of a bully’s yes men (or should I say boys?) on the playground. They are around until someone punches the bully in the nose and he whimpers away. In Trump’s case, it is usually a strong and intelligent woman who does the punching.

These women get vilified for speaking the truth to the former president. Yet, they are like his Mommy saying now Donald, tell me the truth – you did eat the cookies, didn’t you? Now, wipe the crumbs from your face.