Using your best toddler voice, say with me

Like many Americans and non-Americans, we are long past weary of the relentless lying and posturing words and actions of the former president. To me, long before he ran for president he was not known for truth telling. In fact, as Rick Reilly said in his book “Who’s your caddy?” about his stories caddying for golf pros and celebrities about twenty years ago, “Donald Trump cheats at golf right in front of you.” He makes no bones about.

That is as good a metaphor for his routine sales schtick he uses to mislead the American people. His lying and cheating are OVERT. He does it right in front of you. And, it is his modus operandi learned over many years of practice. In fact, in Cassidy Hutchinson’s book “Enough,” she said Trump did not mind being called a liar – he minds being called a loser.

Yet, when caught in a lie, sin or crime, we know it is never his fault. His mantra is to deflect blame or accuse someone else. His excuses are very much like a toddler’s when his hands are found in a cookie jar with crumbs on his face. So, in your best toddler voice mimic Trump’s excuses:

”I didn’t do it.”

“They just don’t like me!”

“They don’t want me to win.”

”They stole it from me. I won by a long shot!”

“It is all unfair. I didn’t do anything wrong.”

”She’s not my type.

”I didn’t sleep with her.”

Now, repeat them again honing your best toddler voice. This is what Trump sounds like to me when he offers his tiresome excuses. As for his sycophants and spineless rationalizers, I need to figure out a voice for them. I am thinking of a bully’s yes men (or should I say boys?) on the playground. They are around until someone punches the bully in the nose and he whimpers away. In Trump’s case, it is usually a strong and intelligent woman who does the punching.

These women get vilified for speaking the truth to the former president. Yet, they are like his Mommy saying now Donald, tell me the truth – you did eat the cookies, didn’t you? Now, wipe the crumbs from your face.

A review of “Enough” by an attorney acquaintance

The following is a group email I received from a retired, defense attorney in North Carolina who is well-thought of by more than a few folks. I will leave off his name.

”Good morning! Since Keith has referenced this book (“Enough” inserted) several times, I thought I would weigh in. I too have read it and here’s my take. I think Cassidy comes across as young and naive. She seemed to lack self awareness as she was being used by Trump, Meadows and McCarthy. She had information and access as a result of being an attractive female who was personable with some organizational skills. These qualities allowed her to be a part of Trump World. She might still be a part of it but for Trump reneging on his offer to take her to Mar-A-Largo with him. She was late to enlightenment, but fortunately eventually got there.

The real hero of the book is Liz Chaney. She was the calm, cool role model Cassidy so desperately needed. Her strength to put the Country ahead of her career was what allowed Cassidy to develop the courage to break free of Trump World and to tell the truth.

The other heroes were the Alston & Bird lawyers who represented her PRO BONO and helped her navigate her legal and political perils. The lessons here about Trump were already abundantly clear, but it is still unsettling to read from a first hand account just how selfish, petty, volatile and unstable he really is. Meadows comes across as a cowardly sycophant.

Trump World is like the Mafia: Be loyal to The Boss and be taken care of. We already knew all this but somehow it still has shock value. I think after all Trump has said and done, the fact that he still has fervent supporters willing to return him to the highest elected office in our Country, is a permanent stain on our collective character and integrity and standing in the world. Please feel free to agree, disagree, share or ignore this take. Best to all.”

I think it is a good review of “Enough” and a proper assessment of all involved. I do feel Hutchinson, with the help of those mentioned, found courage to testify and that is heroic in its own right. My response to this email is provided below. If you have not read the book, it is worth the read.

Note: The email was written in one paragraph, so I inserted paragraph breaks for ease of reading.

Response to email: “… this is a good summary. What Trump fails to realize is he slowly drives people away when they have had ‘enough.’ I agree about the Alston & Bird attorneys who also protected her from the usual death threats. Liz Cheney is a hero to make Hutchinson feel comfortable in telling the truth. I also agree with your comment about Mark Meadows.

These folks should get more credibility for telling the truth in the face of death threats. I get tickled that Trump said he will testify and ‘tell the truth.’ One attorney said he once deposed Trump under oath and got him to recant 30 assertions to avoid perjuring himself.

Thanks for your summary.”

If the moderates are kicked out…

Apparently, the more strident thinking Arizonian Kari Lake is not welcoming the moderates in the Republican Party suggesting they leave. This is not sitting well with Meghan McCain, the daughter of deceased Senator John McCain who pushed back again on Lake.

Like other Trump sycophants, Lake embraces the cult-like devotion to all things Trump. She prefers an antagonistic modus operandi. Moderates are too rational. Moderates remember the truth matters. Those are not top of mind attributes when I think of folks like Trump and Lake.

The real heroes in the Republican Party are folks like Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, Mitt Romney and Cassidy Hutchinson. They speak the truth about Trump’s crimes and seditious acts. And, yet they are vilified and get death threats.

Folks like Lake and Trump have made the party a cult. For the cult to return to normalcy, it is not the moderates who should leave. It is the strident folks pouring the Kool-Aid.

Review of “Enough” by Cassidy Hutchinson

I am beyond halfway through the book “Enough” by Cassidy Hutchinson. It is an excellent read from one of our American heroes who offered steely and scary testimony of the events leading up to and during the January 6 insurrection to keep Donald Trump in the White House. In an article in The Guardian by Peter Conrad called “Enough review – inside story of the Trump White House by star witness at Capitol riot hearings” comments about the book can be gleaned.

The subtitle is “Whistleblower and former aide Cassidy Hutchinson dishes the dirt – from crockery-based temper tantrums to sexual harassment – on the former president and his cast of underlings” which sheds more light. Here are a few opening paragraphs;

“Every legal drama needs a surprise witness. Until June last year, the congressional hearings to investigate the attempted coup at the US Capitol in January 2021 were unsurprising: Democrats presented evidence that Trump had riled up the incendiary mob, to which Republicans responded with regurgitated abuse. Then into the room walked Cassidy Hutchinson, a Republican true believer who had worked as an aide to Mark Meadows, Trump’s chief of staff. No one gasped, because the then 25-year-old woman was unknown, but her testimony, provoked by an uneasy conscience, quietly confirmed that Trump and his henchmen had knowingly lied about the outcome of the presidential election, then summoned loony militias from the backwoods and dispatched them, armed with bear spray and flagpoles sharpened into spears, to disrupt the certification of Biden’s victory.

Hutchinson’s memoir adds many greasy, sleazy details to the more sanitised account she gave in Congress. Trump, she recalls, smashed plates in his dining room beside the Oval Office, squirting ketchup on the walls to express his exasperation. She observes Meadows illicitly incinerating bags of telltale documents that should have been passed to the government archives; his wife complains about the cost of dry-cleaning his suits to remove the stench from so many bonfires. And as Trump exhorts his horde to invade the Capitol, Rudy Giuliani, for whom the mayhem was like a double dose of Valium, leers at Hutchinson with jaundiced eyes and slides his hand up her thigh. Disillusioned and disgusted, she decides, as the title of her book tersely puts it, that she has had enough of the president and his thuggish praetorian guards.”

The book is a matter-of-fact and excellent read just like her testimony was in front of the House Select Committee. Trump supporters who tried to downplay her testimony saying she was an underling and did not have access are, frankly, being untruthful. She worked directly for the last Chief of Staff Mark Meadows after working for the White House liaison group with Congress and she was quite loyal to the former president. Her name and face was known by the former president and she was well thought of by him, Meadows, then Speaker Kevin McCarthy among many others,

The title of the book is telling – “Enough.” It is akin to a mother telling her children to behave or a cheated on wife calling her philandering husband on the carpet. I encourage people to read her account as it shares details that will paint a more complete picture. For those who have been led to believe the former president was not involved directly in the insurrection, this book counters that in a forceful way. Let me just say the insurrection would not have occurred without his demands for results.

At the heart of all the illicit shenanigans is a person with a shallow ego who cannot admit he lost. A quote from the former president to Meadows when she was present is telling, “I don’t want people to know we lost, Mark. This is embarrassing. Figure it out.”

This quote is consistent with what Trump’s niece Mary said in November 2020 “My uncle will burn it all down to avoid losing the election.” For the record, that is not a sign of strength. It is a clear sign of weakness.

Again, I encourage people to read this especially Republicans. They need to know how people who should have pushed back more on the former president failed their oaths to the Constitution.

What courage and patriotism look like

During the House Committee on the January 6 insurrection, a brave truth teller named Cassidy Hutchinson risked a great deal to tell the truth, many of such unpleasant to folks like Donald Trump and Mark Meadows, her boss. She of course was vilified and threatened by the Trump base. In an article  in The Guardian by Ramon Antonio Vargas called “Cassidy Hutchinson left DC amid ‘security concerns’ after January 6 hearings” her need to leave DC after telling the truth under oath is highlighted. The subtitle tells even more, “Former White House aide to Donald Trump tells CBS News Sunday Morning she ‘could not go back to my apartment’.”

Here are a couple of paragraphs that frame the story:

“The former Donald Trump White House aide who became a pivotal January 6 witness remembers wanting to make a last-minute run for it before delivering her crucial testimony about the US Capitol attack that the defeated president’s supporters staged.

But Cassidy Hutchinson kept her nerve, and the cost of breaking ranks with Trump and his fanatical supporters was steep.

Hutchinson, who was working for Mark Meadows, Trump’s chief of staff, when January 6 occurred, also told CBS that she continues to consider herself a Republican. But she said she is not supporting Trump’s efforts to win the Republican nomination and return to the Oval Office in 2024 as he grapples with more than 90 criminal charges, many stemming from his attempts to overturn his electoral loss to Joe Biden weeks before the Capitol attack.”

I watched Hutchinson’s testimony and recall her courage, patriotism and truthfulness. Many found her testimony compelling, but the former president and his sycophants had to demonize as well as threaten her (even before her testimony). Note, these three words – courage, patriotism and truthfulness – are not top of mind words to define her seditious acting bosses, especially the mercurial former president.

The fact there are four indictments and 91 charges against the former president is telling. The fact he has settled a defamation and sexual misconduct case and a fraud case with his Foundation and lost a corporate tax fraud case in the last few years is also telling.

Real heroes are the ones who stand up for truth against the tide of lies. Real heroes are not those who lie, bully, denigrate, and divide, especially if they are in a position of leadership. The former president is not a leader in my mind. He is traitor, waiting to be proven as such in court.

Cassidy Hutchinson – testimony exudes courage and honor

It was a privilege to see a public servant like Cassidy Hutchinson show political courage and honor her oath to the constitution. Her difficult testimony to the House select committee needs to be both commended and heeded. As former Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney said he knows Hutchinson and believes her. In contrast, people who know Mark Meadows and Donald Trump don’t believe them. Their history does not warrant such trust.

Her testimony and that of others through emails and texts on January 6, 2021, paints a “disgusting” picture of the former president’s seditious and deceitful actions leading up to the insurrection on a branch of government. Also, he showed little regard for the folks he endangered. Trump claims Mike Pence is a “wimp” and deserved be hanged shows a disturbing lack of character of the former president.

It will not surprise me if the former president and his allies are charged with seditious actions. He cannot blame anyone but himself for his actions.

*Note: The following article by Rex Huppke in The USA Today entitled “Cassidy Hutchinson puts her former boss and assorted Trump-supporting cowards to shame” is worth a quick read. This quote struck me:

“But until those calling Hutchinson a liar do what she did – testify under oath before a congressional committee – their words hold the combined worth of Trump Steaks, Trump Vodka, Trump Airlines and Trump University.